200+ (Week 43) Getting Fit For Fall!



  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Just stopping in to say good morning to everyone. I was a bit busy this weekend so I did not get much time on here, but I did watch myself. Anywho, I will check back later.

    Have a great day!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I'm really hoping to stick well with good eating this entire week, and stick to my training schedule and see how much weight I can lose. I've found that since I've moved, weekends have been horrid in terms of eating for me. I think that's one reason why it was nice to have accountability of roommates- I couldn't sit on the couch and chow down all weekend in front of them. In the workweek, I'm able to plan out my meals better, and it's only dinner I need to work about, so less chance for overeating.

    So, I seriously need to keep it together this week. I'm sick of being in the same 5 pound window since I've moved. It blows. And I know it's the eating that's causing it. I'm exercising pretty well, but because I'm eating too much, at least part of the week, it's causing me to maintain-ish and not lose. *cracks whip on self* I'm sick of being stuck around here- I don't think it's really a plateau, because I'm not keeping myself completely in check with my eating. If I go a couple of weeks eating well and exercising according to my schedule, then I can whine about plateauing. This is just my fault. *grumbles*

    Ready for the workday to be over. The morning went by pretty quickly, luckily. Still pondering the thought of going to the gym after work v. just hitting the weights/abs this evening. Could do them while catching up on Mad Men or True Blood, perhaps.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya superpals! I'm gonna be offline until next Monday. We're leaving for England in the morning. I did spend 2 hours today swimming with the fam. I'll check in later. Have a great week!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Sorry for being MIA all weekend. Friday, the Good Guy called and said he unexpectedly had the weekend off, so he came to the dance party with me. I wore this super cute black bubble dress. Unfortunately I wore panties that were way too big, but I had never noticed because I always wore tight clothes that kept them in place. My dad asked me to swing dance with him and the whole time I was praying that my panties would stay up. No such luck. RED PANTIES. BLACK DRESS. Friends laughed. I ran out. I had to take them off. It was SOOOOO EMBARASSING. Its not like I was crying or anything when I ran out, cause it was funny. Dad thought it was my slip. You could only see a little bit of red come out from my dress so its not like they fell to the floor. Actually, my Good Guy is the one who came up to me and told me they could see them. Yeah, so the only solution was to take them off. :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: We stopped by my house before we went out the the bar and my bff laughed heartily at me as I was trying on other pairs of panties and jumping, wiggling and jiggling to make sure they would not fall down as well. Then bff, bff's husband, Good Guy and I went to the bar and had a GREAT time.

    Good Guy left around noon on Saturday because he had paperwork he needed to do for work. Bff came over and we went to a park where my job will be having a little picnic thing in 2 weeks. I took pictures and wanted to get a general idea of the layout cause this other girl and I will be taking family pictures for people. Bff and I hung out the rest of the day/night. I went to her house and caught up on True Blood. Good Guy called me and asked if I wanted to ride over to the Greensboro office with him. He didn't get his paperwork done in time to mail it, so he was driving to the office to drop it off. My house is on the way. Turns out the Gboro office is like, 10 minutes from my job.

    Good Guy picked me up at 8 Sunday morning and we rode over there. We decided to get breakfast while we were out. Came back to the house. .... Good Guy left around 12 cause Sunday was my niece's 5th birthday so I went over to my parents house to celebrate. I ended up staying there till about 6pm. Then I went home and edited the pictures of the weekend and tried to get ready for today.

    So yeah....I was busy this weekend. I didn't get to go grocery shopping, but thankfully I still have enough food for this week. (or at least most of this week) I will have to go shopping for the camping trip this weekend anyways. YAY! Its so close! I'll have to log in from my phone so I won't lose my "you've logged in for 235 days" count. I'm not sure if I want to take my laptop or not. They have WiFi in the office of the campground but I don't know if they charge you...and I'm sure there are time restrictions. I don't know if I'll even have room to pack it. And I'm not sure I want to worry about all my favorite electronics getting stolen, ruined or messed up.

    Welcome all the new people!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - I feel for you. You put a smile on my face!!! Enjoy that camping trip.

    Kristina - I'm with you on the good eating this week well actually until Labor Day weekend. I want the 170s!!! I to have been hovering in the same 5 pound range. I was up to 185 this morning too :( (*cracks whip on self*). I packed extra good food today. Will get salad or fish if we go out to eat. And, just plan to be GOOD!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- we're weight twins! Seriously though, I know eating is like the vast majority of weight loss. The exercise helps you eat more, and makes your body look a hell of a lot better as you lose (less flubbage), so I need to get that under control again. Have lunches planned out for the week and have loaded up on lots of veggies to incorporate into my dinners. I'm with you on the getting the eating in order through Labor Day!
  • luvstolose
    I would love to join your group I have been looking for a group to join to support me and your group looks great. I am a married mom of two I just started this site and my newest calorie counting diary last Wednesday I weighed 244 pounds I have gained all my weight after having my kids I would love to get back down to my highschool weight of about 135 but my goal right now is 150 it just sounded good. How do I go about joining your awesome group?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Luv:flowerforyou: We enjoy getting to know new people. Feel free to jump in and post comments, questions and life situations. We are here to respond and reply. I started at 237 and this group has gotten me down to 185 (I've been as low as 182.75 but life happens)... My goal is 140 but I've really been happy with my body and my fitness level that it's been hard to push to stick with going lower. I've been on MFP 11 months now. Remember it takes time and you will have periods where you want a break to maintain. Kristina (my weight twin) and I both plan to push for the 170s in the next 3 weeks. Wish us luck!!!

    Dinner is fish, rice, corn on cob and broccoli. I haven't been recording cal on MFP but doing rough estimates in my head and I'm at 1100 before dinner. With my bike ride, that leaves me about 800 for dinner. I should easily come in under that. (*wipes sweat off forehead*)... The dinner timer is beeping. I'm cooking the fish on cedar planks that I got off woot. The kitchen smells sooooo good.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria - I LOVE woot.com!! I bought my brother two awesome tshirts from that site last year for Christmas.

    Kristina - yeay for new clothes! For the ants, get Taro. That stuff works like a charm, though you have to be patient for a bit so they carry the poison back to their nest. We get sugar ants all the time...I don't mind a few but when they get in the hoards, yeah. I get mighty pissed and taro their little carapases!

    Kendal - LMAO at the red panties that were too large. At least they weren't plain white cotton that were old you know?

    Deb - wow that is a busy day! I was just saying the other day that I will RUE the day that Target clothes aren't good enough for my daughter to wear to school...its so simple right now. I took her there the other night and spent $150 and got everything she needs for winter and spring. I basically had to clear out her whole dresser. All of her clothes were either too stained, too worn out, too short, too something or other. But at least it didn't cost too too much.

    Welcome Luvstolose. Just jump right on in here!

    Also Victoria - I'm feeling you on the whole contentedness thing. I am not content with my weight at all, but am content to enjoy the hot summer afternoons and not bother with working out or anything. As much as I hate to say it, I will be glad when it starts cooling down so I can get back into working out at a gym and all that stuff. It is really hard to want to do it with the nice weather and being outside!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies!

    The weather has broken here at least for a few days... which I hope holds over to the weekend, cause I'm loving being able to open my windows at night and being able to sit out on my deck without sweating to death.

    Went to the rec center last night... had planned on only 30 min on the bike, but ended up doing an hour. There was an issue with the cooling system, which made the gym MUCH colder than normal. I was in heaven! Seriously... you're working up a sweat. It can be pretty cold in there, and once you get moving, you should be fine. Anyways, it was great.

    Got up this morning (ugh... still hating on the early morning wakeups) and did my "short" run of 4.5miles. Weather was perfect. 60 degrees, low humidity. *drools* if only it was always like this in the summer. I actually felt like I was moving pretty slow at times... was a bit tired, but still ended up with a 12:39 pace, which is pretty good for me considering the distance and the fact that i KNOW i could have moved faster.

    While I really hate getting up, I love being done with exercise for the day. Today shouldn't be horrid at work. Tomorrow's my uber long day, which I'm not excited about and am nervous about my group, as last week did not go very well. But, I'll worry about that tomorrow.

    Might treat myself with a latte (skinny vanilla, of course) for an extra perk this afternoon- yay for some extra protein and a pick-me-up.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning super pals!!! I have an uber busy day planned with 7 patients and then I'm seeing one of my mom's bosses for free to give him some advice on knee pain. I won't have much time to check-in but I do plan to eat good - speaking of which, I need to go pack my lunch. Exercise is done for the day with 4 mile jog even is it was at a turtle pace - at least I DID it...

    Kristina - I'm loving this cool spurt too. I even wore long pants on my jog - it was 55 outside!!! Heaven. Yesterday I saw 2 trees already starting to turn to yellow and red. I guess summer is almost over. Nice run by the way!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- nice work getting the jog in this morning before your busy day ahead... so it wasn't a sprint- you went the distance! Isn't it weird that now 4 miles is a shorter run? How times have changed! Yeah, I was ALMOST chilled this morning when I first got up, but once I got moving, it was a non-factor. I'm not at the long pants stage yet. I haven't worn long pants to work out in in months. I'm sort of curious how my old ones fit now!

    Kendal- forgot to comment on my last post. Your story of your red panties migrating south cracked me up- totally needed that. People don't think about the fact that when they lose weight, they also need to downsize in their underwear! I noticed that after about 20 pounds in or so... I'd even be wearing pants and as I'm walking along, I can feel my panties and gravity becoming one. Have had to downsize and some of mine are getting big again- probably a combination of weight loss and just de-elasticizing. Time for you to get some cute new ones!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    There is a deal on snapfish.com that is only good for today but its really awesome! The link below has the details on it.

  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning everyone! Just wanted to bump the thread. Will comment further later.

    Hope everyone has a good evening :flowerforyou:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Morning pals - I'm dragging today but my exercise is done. Bookclub is tonight so I wont be around much. I'll try to catch up later.

    PS Kristina - ants suck. I hope they stayed away.

    PSS Kendal - still smiling over the red panty story. Go get some sexy new ones:wink:
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MFP and your board caught my eye. Was wondering if I could join in.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hey Stroynaya! Of course you can join our group. Jump on in and post away! We typically weigh in any time Friday through Sunday.
  • chacha79
    chacha79 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Everyone! I am new to MFP also. I LOVE it here!
    I would also like to join in your group.
    My stats are in my signature. feel free to add me as a friend if you like and my Food Diary is open for all! ;)

  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Welcome chacha and stroynaya!

    Well, I'm just finally checking in for the day. It's been a busier morning than I thought it would be. Hope everyone is doing well. Today's my long day at work, with my group tonight. I'm seriously hoping it goes better than last week, which was pretty horrid and exacerbated the funk that was already beginning (btw, I am on my way to feeling better- let's hope tonight isn't a stumbling block). Wednesdays are crosstraining days, but have been difficult with the long work days, so I did this week what I did the first week- took a long lunch and went to the rec center.

    I did 40ish minutes on the elliptical, broke a nice sweat, then dropped by subway and got a sandwich for lunch (I know the sodium isn't fantastic, but it's a good quick out to eat lunch that doesn't completely ruin my day, calorie-wise). Love me some veggie delights! Anywho, ate, cleaned up at my place, and then walked back to work, to add a little more exercise to the day.

    I did not sleep well last night (went to bed at a decent time, but took a while to fall asleep, kept waking up, despite being tired), so I'll need to turn in early tonight, as tomorrow's another early running day. As the past few weeks I've hit a stumbling block somewhere with my training routine (missing a day, not getting the full time in), I'd really like to hit a week where I hit it every day. So far so good this week.

    Hope everyone's having a happy hump day;
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. Started back on my Wii Fit this week. Doing good this week and I am looking for to my weigh in, but at the same time a bit scared. I want to 180's so darn bad.

    Three of my co-workers have joined MFP since they have seen my results!

    Welcome to all the new members. I am thrilled you chose to join our group.