Friends Needed!

Hi, my name is Ayla and I'm 22 years old. I've been on here under so many different usernames, it's not normal. But I have hit my highest weight of 163 and I'm not playing around anymore. I need to get my eating and exercise under control because this can not happen. I'm looking for some supportive and motivational friends. I'm looking to lose around 35 pounds. If you need a motivational friend, I'll be there for you. Feel free to message and add me! The more friends, the merrier!


  • Hi name is Pauli. I will try to help you stay motivated...that should help me to stay positive too. I also want to lose the 38 lbs that I regained over the past few years.
  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    Welcome! Your name is awesome.

    Feel free to add me if you want.
  • flabbystina
    flabbystina Posts: 1 Member
    Just joined too! feel free to add me if you want :)
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    My daughter's name is Ayla too! :) Will gladly add you as a friend. Let's face it, we all need support and the more support we have the better our motivation! Nice to meet you! :)
  • toutle1221
    toutle1221 Posts: 79 Member
    I will gladly support you on this terrible, horrible, monstrosity.... cough cough.. I mean WONDERFUL journey of weight loss. Everyone else can also feel free to add me. The more people the more likely we are to succeed and stick to it!
  • becausemexico
    becausemexico Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, my name is Ayla and I'm 22 years old. I've been on here under so many different usernames, it's not normal. But I have hit my highest weight of 163 and I'm not playing around anymore. I need to get my eating and exercise under control because this can not happen. I'm looking for some supportive and motivational friends. I'm looking to lose around 35 pounds. If you need a motivational friend, I'll be there for you. Feel free to message and add me! The more friends, the merrier!

    Hi! I'm Carmen. I've got the same mindset as you and am looking for friends who can push me to actually reach my goals! Let's be friends :)
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Hi, I'm Keiralee but you can call me Keira and I'm 20, nearly 21 years old. I'm currently around 162.4 pounds and looking lose at least 19+ pounds. Feel free to add. :)
  • AMA983
    AMA983 Posts: 28 Member
    I just added you. Feel free to add me back as I am in a similar position and definitely need support. Been on this board before. Successfully dropped 20 lbs 2 years ago and gained it all back. Stepped on the scale this AM and wanted to cry because I am exactly right back where aI started. On with this journey again....