macros generated from where & how closely do you follow?

hi -

when looking at the pie chart for the day, how close do you stick to the recommended amounts of carb - protein - fats and where do these rec % actually come from? thanks

(reason asking is i am LITERALLY STUCK at a plateau and I am ALWAYS on my target cals for the day, and I exercise like a demon and I am going nowhere....maybe i can change this but that would mean eating 55% carbs.......??)


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    A good number is 40% carb, 30% fat, 30% protein. But it doesn't make a huge difference in my experience whether you follow them closely or not.

    If you're stuck at a plateau, you're probably eating way too little or too much. Are you weighing your food? Are you eating back your exercise calories (you're supposed to, but not overestimate them)?

    I prefer over MFP personally. Less likely to eat too little or eat back too many exercise calories.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I also thought schoobys workshop had some good info on it and great calculators. This post is also helpful with macro info and outlines how to custom set you MFP setting if you want to do that :

    I don't know what the real right or wrong answer in what is the best way to break a palteau, and without knowing what you are doing to start with I don't want to give you any advice other that just generally to shake things up a bit. Your body gets used to routine so if you are hitting your calories dead on every day you body might have just gotten used to that. Bump it up some or take it down for a few days and see if that helps get things moving again. Best of luck!