CROSSFIT- brag about it!



  • DavePFJ
    DavePFJ Posts: 212 Member
    I tried out crossfit, and there is an air of 'elitism' among some of the people. No one really bragged about it though.

    I do see tons of cars with those 13.1 stickers though. Ha.

    Point being, regardless of what people do, many of them like to show off what they are proud of. If it makes them happy and they're not hurting anyone - what's wrong with it?
  • noelieSAURUSrex
    Well that didn't go as well as I had hoped! Haters gonna hate I guess. Everybody hates seagullers though- what good does it do to swoop in and **** all over what other people love? If you don't like crossfit then don't do it! I want to talk crossfit with my cult friends and for the record they would never agree to drink kool-aid! Thanks everyone who added me and I'm always available to friend anyone looking for crossfit or vegan friends. (Oops surprise! Some of us don't eat paleo or meat at all.) Also some boxes don't have regular injuries and some trainers are amazing. All ballerinas don't have eating disorders. All body builders don't take steroids. All runners don't ruin their knees. And all crossfitters and crossfit gyms are different.
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    I have decided to ignore any of the negativity and hate above (come on people, just respect what other people are able to accomplish, regardless of sport, activity, etc.)

    I LOVE Crossfit!!

    Retesting my 1RM on lifts this week and next, so far I have had 2 PR's
    Increased my Clean by 27.5lbs and my Push Press by 15lbs! Very happy so far!!

    I would love some crossfit friends too so feel free to add me :)