New Here-Short Ectomorphs?

Hello! I'm new here and want to share my story...

I'm a 27 years old female, and just started my fitness journey.

The problem is, everything is about weight loss in this world, and there is no one I know that have the same problems with me!!!
So I joined here, may be I can find friends and share missions-a-like.

Now, here is my body...
Think about an ectomorph body: Legs are longer than torso, thin bone structure, gain weight only around belly and no where else, so almost no-female curves, a very boyish figure, legs and arms are always thin, anxious temper etc...

And now imagine, that this body doesn't belong to a tall person, but a 5'2 woman!

I don't have any serious health issues, but always feeling fatigue, feeling cold, sensitive stomach and gut etc... I'm a hard gainer, and even if I gain weight, it can't be visible except my stomach (which is why people keep me asking if I'm pregnant.)

So it's the time, my transformation starts!!!

I want to gain muscle and may be some female curves, gain weight 3-4kg at least.
In short, I want to be stronger and change the way I am, the way I have always been.

I don't want to be "the always sick, the weakest to carry something" in a group and don't want hear "oh, are you anorexic?" type of questions anymore...

Are there anyone like me?


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