40ish and sluggish

I have been on and off this site for a while. I have had success and plenty of disappointments. But, I'm ready to go at it with 100% once again. I'm trying to find the moderation part of losing weight. I am kind of all or nothing and while it works when I'm in "all" mode, pounds come right back on the nothing. I'm hoping that if I find some friends out there to hold myself accountable to, that may be my key. And to be a little kinder to myself when I fail. I so want to look good in my jeans again! And still enjoy a glass of wine:wink:


  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Wow...the thing that I LOVE MOST about this site is that I hear my story in the stories of others--makes me feel MUCH LESS like a loser and more like a human being that is struggling with an issue that many other human beings struggle with! lol

    YES! I'm right there with you! And actually, the subject line of your post "40ish and sluggish" really hit the nail on the head for me. Do you think that has to do with hormones?? I feel SOOOOO tired all the time. In the past, once I got my body moving again I kinda snapped out of that tired feeling...however, lately, it's just NOT working for me! I'm taking a good multivitamin, B12 and drinking plenty of water. I also tried juicing for a week. Anyway...we keep pushing forward!

    WELCOME and add me if you like!
  • Lorinda40
    Lorinda40 Posts: 20 Member
    I am pretty sure it's hormone related. I have been sooo fatigued and I'm 42. I didn't used to be like this at all. I have started the refirm program from complete nutrition and so far so good. But it's only been a couple days. I do have way more energy though and feel pretty motivated and good. I am looking for a few motivational friends also. So if you're up for a new friend, add me:)