Thoughts on a Cheat Day?

So I have several family and friends that are working on loosing weight as well. Some of them say have a cheat day in which you don't count, measure, or watch what you eat. The others say cheat days throw off your system. I am sort of teeter tottering on this. I am worried if I have a cheat day I might not be able to just have one day, and might stumble again I don't want to do that, however the idea of a cheat or free day is appealing. I wonder if it is appealing just because the idea of eating what I want is appealing or if I really need it....what are others thoughts on a cheat day?


  • briandahawaiian
    briandahawaiian Posts: 112 Member
    Have a cheat day definitely or maybe just a cheat meal! But make sure to log everything! you have to reward yourself every once in a while!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Depends how often and how much, really. The way I see it, it's a lifestyle change, meaning there will be days when you don't count food and just enjoy yourself - but it doesn't mean it has to be 'eat everything you want all day' either, and it doesn't mean you should do it too often either.

    I've found it's very easy to go overboard if you tell yourself you can eat what you want for a whole day, and it could easily undo one week of progress. What I've done so far is a couple cheat meals - planned early in the day meant that I basically didn't go over my calories much for the day because I was full, or planned for the evening so I ate very low calorie, filling foods the rest of the day (I was still hungry though so it kinda sucked, but I didn't go over my calories).

    Planning is key, I've found. The day I didn't plan it and just went 'whatever' because I was starving at dinner, I was 1100 over my goal, although it didn't affect my weight loss one bit - but it happened once in 9 months. And it could have been worse, I *only* had a 400 calories dessert.

    So, plan a cheat meal occasionally to get your cravings out of your system. Try to fit what you want in your daily calories as much as possible. But if you can't, don't sweat it, just don't make it a very regular thing... I think once a month is the max I would allow myself to go over my goal by a lot.
  • JamieG8991
    JamieG8991 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Definitely have a cheat day!!! I always do!!!
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    I think it helps you to stay on track in long term. If you restrict yourself completely then with time it becomes harder and harder as your need for it becomes stronger or stronger. But if you release that energy it's not that hard to follow a diet in long term. So yes I think that would benefit you, if not a whole day then at least have one meal. It's good mentally.

    What helps to stop after you are done is to plan everything. For example if you have a cheat day once a week make sure it is strictly same day, same time. Stick to graphic. If you have a one cheat meal then don't buy food for more than that and also set witch meal of day it will be, at what time, etc.
  • guroprincess
    I think it just depends on personality. In the beginning I needed a cheat day but for the past couple of months I haven't really felt the need for it at all. It just doesn't appeal to me anymore.
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    I've actually lost more weight with cheat days than when I didn't. I think it's because it's easier to stick to your diet when you know that you have a day coming up to where you can eat that food you are craving.
  • NDHHolloway
    Thank you, everyone who commented allows a lot to think on. I like the idea of a cheat meal instead of an entire day, but still recording it even if it means that one day I might go over a bit.