Losing 100+ LBS

Hello everyone.
I am very new to dieting the healthy way, i have spent years doing silly diets that only last for a few weeks, drinking shakes or just one meal a day and now I've found my fitness pal I feel i have finally found something i can stick too! I Am really new to exercising too but I am finding it fun at the moment, trying to go for walks and using the wii for exercise.

I am 5ft 8 and currently weigh 270 lbs and I am going to try and get down to 154 lbs.

I am a single mum to a one year old so I cant get to the gym and I am struggling to find ways to exercise so if anyone has any other ideas please comment it would be much appreciated. Any other tips or really good foods to try would be appreciated too.

Looking forward to getting to know some of you and going on our weigh loss journey together :)


  • becausemexico
    becausemexico Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! I'm also trying to lose over 100 pounds. Even though I have access to a gym, I'm going to start my weight loss with the 30 Day Shred. It's a 3 level program over a month and tonight will be my first workout using it. If you search the forum, you can find a lot more information and see results from people who have done it. You could also try Blogilates, which is a channel on YouTube. It's a lot of fun and if you sign up for the calendar on the website there are new workout plans every month, and there is also a beginner workout plan. The website also has meal plans.

    Good luck!
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member

    Married Father of 2 - wife works 2nd shift and I first so I feel you on the time aspect.

    I was Diagnosed as Diabetic on the 21st of this month, being 6'4" and 367 lbs. MFP has been on my phone a long time and I used it for a week back in August but since been off of it.

    While I have only been back using MFP for the past couple days, I know that with the support I have already gotten from others in via forums and the like, I wont have to do it alone.

    Best of luck to you and feel free to friend me!

  • judyblow
    judyblow Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all, I'm also here to lose 100+ pounds. I started in March at 305 pounds and to date I'm down to 231 and I'd like to get to 175. My husband and I both use MFP and find that it helps knowing what exactly we are eating. As far as the exercise, if you have Xfinity go to on-demand and check out some of the yoga videos, I have had great success because it is not hard on your system and it helps to stretch your muscles.

    Take a look at www.myrecipes.com for food, I find that I meal plan weekly so that my calories are decided for the week so on the days that exercise is possible the calories can be more. Feel friend to friend me, I'm happy to have the help and support of others while we each achieve our goals.
  • hi , i am also looking to loose more that 100 , and like you I am also a single mom. My son is much older though.
    but i know how hard it can be to find time to do anything.
    feel free to hit me up with a friend request if you want.
  • ashleyconstantine
    ashleyconstantine Posts: 73 Member
    I'd like to lose about 100 pounds. I lost 50 last year, then I started EMT school and gained it all back, thanks to lack of effort. :( But my class is ending next week, and I'm ready to get back at it!
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    You can do it, I started off much worse. Walking is a great exercise if the weather permits. If you'd like something you can do at home there are tons of DVDs on the market and dance and fitness games for the Wii, etc. There are apps for strength training, yoga, etc. Just find something you enjoy that gets you moving and fits into your lifestyle. Good luck! :smile:
  • kempt_ken
    kempt_ken Posts: 96 Member
    I've been using the pedometer on my IPOD to try and get in at lest 5000 over the day it really helps with giving some extra calories each day while still loosing.
  • Takinha
    Takinha Posts: 15 Member

    I too have a looong way to go. I joined MFP today and need all the help I can get.
    I'm still trying to figure things out around here but as far as I know we all could use this support system to reach our goals.

    I'm brazilian, no kids and 136lbs to go! ^^
  • I am new to this too! Honestly i have no idea what im doing, and it would be really helpful if i got some advice/support from people in the same boat. i really want to succeed. i need to succeed.

    i dont have any kids yet, but im engaged to an amazing man that i love with my whole heart. I have always had a problem with my weight. but these last few years have been ridiculous. It is to the point now where i honestly dont think i will be able to fit in a wedding dress and even though my fiance loves me completely, it embarrasses me that he gets "flack" from his family and friends for being with a plus sized woman.

    i love myself and what other people say has never weighed too heavy on my heart. I just want to be as beautiful on the outside as i am on the inside. And above all else i want to be healthy. If anyone would like to be friends i will be supportive if you are supportive back.
    sorry for the long post.
  • 100 lbs sounds like so much. But im there too. It really requires good effort, dedication and support!

    I like that youre choosing the healthy lifestyle choice and not the crash diet. I'm on that too!
    Just started 2 months ago actually. Its been going, ... ok. It's hard to stick to it sometimes. Especially since my food choices are so limited I feel.

    Anywho, everyone feel free to add me, Id love extra support =)
  • nlb1106
    nlb1106 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you everyone for your comments :) it's nice to know I'm not alone on this long journey.
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    Rockin' Body by Shaun T. I used that in the beginning before joining a gym. It helped me loose in the beginning. Also the 30 day Shred, Taebo, and other home DVDs. Even Youtube has good stuff.
  • Hi there, long term my plan is to lose about 80-90 pounds. I have a 4 month old son and am also unable to get to the gym. As someone else stated I have 30 day shred and I also have JM's Kickboxing Fastfix DVD. It's great because the workouts are only 20 minutes long but they get your heart rate up and calories burned. I don't know if you have Hulu but I found quite a few workout videos on there as well. I also put my son in the stroller and take walks regularly. Pinterest has a lot of suggestions for at home workouts too. Okay I'm rambling a little bit but my point is, there are a ton of options! And if you need motivation feel free to add me :) Good luck on your journey!
  • Iggy1992
    Iggy1992 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey !

    Wanting to exercise doesn't mean you have to go to the gym. I have a gym membership and also walk my dog - I love walking my dog so much more than the gym!

    Heres an idea, why don't you grab the pram, a bottle of water and some snacks for your child, and go for a walk with your child?

    It can be just a walk, or maybe even a walk to the park, you could pack a lunch and go out and have a picnic with your child?
    Or maybe a walk to a mates place.

    If you work full time you could do a walk once or twice a week and once again, with the pram and some snacks for the kid, go to the grocery shop to get your weekly food, that way its productive and needs to be done, two birds one stone right!

    I think its so cool that you have a child, as you're currently re-shaping your life and your body, so you can bring your kid up in a healthy and active lifestyle.

    As they say, its 90% food and 10% excercise. Watch your calorie intake and make better choices and i'm sure it will go fine!

    Feel free to add me and we can support each other to change our lives for the better :)
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    I am trying to lose over 100 lbs. I joined MFP back in 2011 and lost 26 lbs. Sadly I didn't keep up with it. I just restarted this week and am trying to build up my support team. Please feel free to add me. :flowerforyou: