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I Want You Because...



  • shainasb310
    shainasb310 Posts: 246 Member
    You like Marilyn Monroe
  • monstalosta
    monstalosta Posts: 2,248 Member
    Cause look at you ;)
  • shainasb310
    shainasb310 Posts: 246 Member
    Cause look at you ;)

  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    I need a massage B) ..you look like you could do the job
  • mfpmotivateme
    mfpmotivateme Posts: 112 Member
    You seem like you know how to have a good time :)
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    I grew up with someone with your name
  • Imback257
    Imback257 Posts: 544 Member
    Imback257 wrote: »
    Imback257 wrote: »
    I could live in your hair.

    Wait. .. what? Lol
    dont make me tell the story of repubzal. Jk lol

    Awww, please do. Need a,bedtime story. Lol
    Alright, so it starts with a prince whom is currently trapped in a castle by a bunch of evil old gremlins. He's been trapped in there for decades; hoping and waiting everyday for someone to free him. One day, a beautiful young broad arrives and shouts to the top, "Repubzal!?" He replies, "yes my dearest; it's me!" They talked everyday for many hours; all of their time was spent together. Finally! Repubzal has just come of age and was ready to leave. He wanted to explore and get married; of course. How though? They would never let him leave after all, he helped them acheive their up most necessities. Him and his soon to be bride plotted an escape; the grimlins aquired this information and were furious, so furious they watched him day and night making sure he couldn't leave. He would watch his soon to be bride everyday, glazing at her wondering and thinking of new ways to escape. The seasons past but when winter hit, something strange happend. Repubzal had a very weird bodily itch sensation in his pants; he tride to ignore them but they became unbearable. He unzipped his pants, out came these massive large locks of curly hair that swallowed the town. Anything that tried to get in its way; completely destroyed. His soon to be bride came shouting and running. "You did it", she shouted excitedly. Repubzal was finally able to leave and marry his bride. They lived happily ever after and rebuilt the town on his dismantled locks as a reminder of serinity and protection for the town, as for the grimlins; they've seen better days. They now work as Repubzal and his bride's slaves; hand and foot. (Moral of the story; worship people with pubes; they might be able to provide protection one day.)

    Wow.. I have to say, that was awesome! Thank you for sharing. Lol! I'm not often surprised and confused at the end of story yet elated all at the same time. Congratulations! You've truly inspired me to smoke and grown out my pubes. Lmao!!! We must be fat pals! Lol!

  • Schrodingers1lost1cat1returns
    Imback257 wrote: »
    Imback257 wrote: »
    Imback257 wrote: »

    Wow.. I have to say, that was awesome! Thank you for sharing. Lol! I'm not often surprised and confused at the end of story yet elated all at the same time. Congratulations! You've truly inspired me to smoke and grown out my pubes. Lmao!!! We must be fat pals! Lol!
    Ah a toast it shall be then! I command the to come down to mín mead hall; we shall propose a toast to the many challenges we face tomorrow on our great exploration of the hike to pizza hut! It will be challenging, it will be tough, thy fellow soliders shall be covered in many deep shades of reds, and one shall grow weak and weary from the many kilojoules consumed!
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,624 Member
    Wow he skipped me so I take you cause you write diatribes
  • SojournerThirteen
    SojournerThirteen Posts: 28,204 Member
    Because you are sooo beautiful!
  • Schrodingers1lost1cat1returns
    Wow he skipped me so I take you cause you write diatribes
    How am I writing diatribes? Lol I'm not insulting anyone.
  • bestintheworld842
    bestintheworld842 Posts: 190 Member
    ur bangin
  • Imback257
    Imback257 Posts: 544 Member
    Wow he skipped me so I take you cause you write diatribes
    How am I writing diatribes? Lol I'm not insulting anyone.

    Haha. I wasn't offended. Promise. :)
  • ZeeShay
    ZeeShay Posts: 1,132 Member
    you have a window
  • Imback257
    Imback257 Posts: 544 Member
    ZeeShay wrote: »
    you have a window

    Aren't they the best?!!! N u cuz you appreciate a good window.
  • Schrodingers1lost1cat1returns
    You have an interest in windows.
  • bestintheworld842
    bestintheworld842 Posts: 190 Member
    still bangin
  • Imback257
    Imback257 Posts: 544 Member
    You have an interest in windows.
    Sweet. Who knew that would pay off.
    U because... isn't it obvious?!!!! Look.at you!!! Oh n the stories of course. :)
  • ericafittrainer
    ericafittrainer Posts: 414 Member
    Would love to wake up to that view
  • bestintheworld842
    bestintheworld842 Posts: 190 Member
    we can be fit together