I started changing my excersice because i wasnt losing any weight, although i was doing the whole calorie/fat/sodium/sugur count thing. So i get up at 6 am and do 2 miles in 15 minutes on my bike, then everyother day i do 45 minutes on my treadmill ( ill go 2.15 miles on it) and then ill do 2-3 miles on my bike again every evening. So Since then ive lost 5 lbs in the last week 1/2 to two weeks. Ive lost a pound in the last 2 days! Is loosing all of this weight so quickly bad??? It feels great, but i dont want to take a day or to off from excersicing and then BANG! i gained all the weight back.


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I think this is shock weight to all of the new work outs. Also, remember to drink plenty of water with all of this working out as some of that could be dehydration. I say keep doing what you are doing.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I don't think that's too much weight, a healthy amount is 1-3 pounds a week depending on how much you have to lose. It should gradually slow down as at the beginning of a new routine it can just seem like its falling off. If it carries on this much or you start to be worried about overdoing it, just tone it town a bit, maybe 1 mile instead of 2 and i'm sure you won't gain it all back :) Exercise has to be something that you can stick to anyway for a long period of time so if you feel that you can keep up the regular exercise in the future then you're more likely to keep the weight off afterwards.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I think pretty much everyone has times where they drop a lot really fast. If you are eating well, eating your exercise calories so you are staying near your goal and not slowing your metabolism, and not over doing it, I think you are ok... If you just switched up your routine, that may have shocked your body. It will even out again. If you keep losing like that for a couple weeks, then you might want to take it easy. :) Good job, and good luck :)
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Don't over think it. If you feel good and your losing then your on the right track. There is such thing as over-training, but walking and biking usually aren't going to take you there unless your 1; not giving your body the nutrients it needs to come back. 2; your doing it with high intensity for hours on end. If you feel good, then keep it up!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    Yeah, you are losing too much weight... might as well just hold onto the pounds and give them to me to lose! :o)

    No, not really. I think what you are doing is definitely working. And like someone else had said, your weight loss will gradually slow down a bit as it gets used to your routine. Then you'll have to switch it up again. Good for you for picking an exercise regiment that works!