"BAD" carbs?



  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Plain and simple. Calories in v.s. calories out. Although, most of your carbohydrates should be from sources that are nutrient dense and high in fiber. But that is irrelevant to weight loss.

    It should be plain and simple, but not all calories consumed are used by the body as energy so as easier way to look at it is.
    Calories in v calories stored.

    Get plenty of protein to spare lean mass loss.

    Keeping your carbs low is sensible, it's all about limiting the amount of insulin you secrete.

    Good luck.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    My carb intake can be fairly high, about 200-250g/day. I understand there is the "good carbs" and "bad carbs".

    Carbohydrates are a nutrient. Nutrients are good. The only way that a carb could be bad is if you are eating too much of it, same as fats and proteins.

    250g/day is only 1000 calories. That's a good number for most people.I lost over 70 pounds eating the same number.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Does the same go for someone with type 2 diabetes? Does eating the "bad" carbs make it hard to lose weight?
    There are no bad carbs. There are simple carbs and complex carbs. T2 diabetics generally avoid simple carbs because they can spike their blood glucose level. Complex carbs take longer to digest so they can help with controlling bgl.

    Simple carbs: Cake, candy, jam, white (bread, rice, potatoes, pasta) donuts, etc

    Complex carbs: Sweet potatoes, whole grain (bread, rice, pasta), zuchinni, broccoli, beans, etc

    Total caloric intake is the most important factor for weight loss.

    Starches are NOT simple carbs. Breads, potatoes, and pastas are all starches, which are complex carbs. It doesn't matter what color they are, starches are complex carbs, period.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    You're right, starches are complex carbs. The amount of fiber affects the rate that food metabolizes. White potatoes metabolize faster that sweet potatoes. For a diabetic, the fiber content can matter. If you're not diabetic none of this matters.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    BAD carbs are eviiiiiiillllllllll. They do terrible things for your body on top of causing weight gain! They raise your insulin and can stop your metabolism and cause diabetes. So first things first- don't eat simple sugars. If you want bread-eat sprouted grains. If you want to eat anything with grains make sure it does NOT have "enriched" anywhere in the ingredients. You need to eat whole, naturally high fiber foods. They are good for your body annnd they keep you fuller for longer. I can guarentee you that if you stop eating simple sugars, you'll lose weight. Stay away from anything processed that says "low carb" and "low fat" because this means that they usually add sugars and artifical sugars to make them tasty which causes your body to react in crazy ways. Eat natural whole foods! This means you can eat butter, almond butter, eggs, FATS! yummy yummy fats! and still lose weight. Fat DOES NOT make you fat, sugar does. period.

    Bad troll.. bad bad bad troll. Cookies are GOOD for you.