Motivation and Calorie Burners

I have trouble getting motivated to do exercise. It wasn't too much of a problem before or in the beginning, in fact I loved it! However, winter is approaching and I'm starting to realize that no matter how much I tell my self I can tough out some rain or snow...Actually doing so becomes more and more unappealing. However, I hate gyms. Nothing against them, but they are so quiet and I feel that half the people there would rather stare at stone than try to be social. That, and staring at a brick wall for 30 minutes is not all that fun either.

I've gotten a jump rope and I have a nice stair case so I tried those out, I don't think I did them right though, rushed into them too fast and I got out of breath and really tired before I had gotten a few minutes in. I do have a Wii fit, but my father happens to use the area where the game systems are for work and I'd rather not interrupt him. What I really would like is a big calorie burner that I could do in the garage or basement or even my room! I need the exercise but I know that it's only going to get colder from here on out...and I'm not prepared for a winter run.

What I'd love to know is if you guys have any cardio work that you do in your house that doesn't involve machines. Anything is fine, though I have some bad knees and slight back pain. Nothing ice can't solve really. Also, how do you motivate yourself to get up and go? I mean, if I can do it indoors I'm all for it, but when the weather is yuck and you can't do or don't want a gym, what do you do? Any tips are appreciated and I could use the help. I gained back weight and now I'm stuck on it. Can't seem to shed it off. I do have bad eating habits (Night classes make me super hungry cause I can't get to dinner until past 10 sometimes) I'm trying to get better but I know that if I want to be successful, I need to pick up my pace!


  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I love outdoor running, have you tried it? I used to be scared to do it but now it's my favorite time to run. Weight loss is mainly in the kitchen regardless of your exercise. Focus on eating habits.
  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    5BX meets your requirements.

  • ZRx4
    ZRx4 Posts: 158 Member
    The hubby and I started insanity. It's indoors, shortish and kicks our butt. After our first round, we both have so much more energy. I've even picked up walk/running 4 miles 4-5 times a week. P90X is supposed to be awesome too. What helped me is to not think about my workouts, cus it's easy to talk myself outta doing anything. I've learned to put myself on autopilot when it's time to do it. Helps a lot. Good luck!
  • JaneGS93
    I love outdoor running, have you tried it? I used to be scared to do it but now it's my favorite time to run. Weight loss is mainly in the kitchen regardless of your exercise. Focus on eating habits.

    I so enjoy walking outside, but as a three day rain storm stares me in the face I can't find the urge to go out into it and walk. When it's good weather, and by good I mean not wet or foggy. (I live in an area with some limited side walks so I don't like being out in weather where it's already a danger to just be near a busy road.) This is the reason I'm looking into my options. I want to be able to exercise and burn a lot of calories without having run through a pouring storm and the beginning of the next ice age. I mean, it's all good practice for the end of the world but I'm not at that point yet. :laugh:

    Also thanks to all of your for your ideas, I'm definitely gonna try these things out!