
Two months ago I was at 122-124lbs at 63inches. I was hoping to lose a little more weight. I started taking organic multivitamins, fishoil and a few other support vitamins. Within a month I had lost about 8-9 pounds in conjunction with my workout routine. I eventually ran out then procrastinated getting more for a week due to school and work.

For that week I gained weight, 2-3 lbs, craved oily and sweets and became easily bloated compared to when I was on the vitamins. Anyone else have the problem? Have vitamins helped you?


  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    vitamins haven't helped me lose weight at all, a calorie deficit did that.

    I take a multivitamin everyday for extra help with vitamin C etc, but I haven't felt any health benefits from taking the multivitamin.