Sugar types: It really does matter WHAT we eat



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    People interested in this thread should read a book called: Why do we get fat (cant remember the author) ..

    Somebody wrote a book about why we get fat? What a scam! I can tell people why in one sentence: You eat more than you burn. Ta-da!!! Somebody give me a book deal.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Just wanted to drop in and say this thread is lame. Carry on.
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    People interested in this thread should read a book called: Why do we get fat (cant remember the author) ..

    Somebody wrote a book about why we get fat? What a scam! I can tell people why in one sentence: You eat more than you burn. Ta-da!!! Somebody give me a book deal.

    Nope... you have to blame something like sugar, carbs, fat ect ...duh... :)
  • iechick
    iechick Posts: 352 Member
    People interested in this thread should read a book called: Why do we get fat (cant remember the author) ..

    Somebody wrote a book about why we get fat? What a scam! I can tell people why in one sentence: You eat more than you burn. Ta-da!!! Somebody give me a book deal.

    It's Why We Get Fat, and What and What to Do About it, by Gary Taubes. It's an interesting read and I'd recommend borrowing it from the library. Even though I didn't agree with a lot of it it's always good to learn about different views :)
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    People interested in this thread should read a book called: Why do we get fat (cant remember the author) ..

    Somebody wrote a book about why we get fat? What a scam! I can tell people why in one sentence: You eat more than you burn. Ta-da!!! Somebody give me a book deal.

    It's Why We Get Fat, and What and What to Do About it, by Gary Taubes. It's an interesting read and I'd recommend borrowing it from the library. Even though I didn't agree with a lot of it it's always good to learn about different views :)

    The fact that you say Taubes is the author is enough to make me roll my eyes.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Yes it does matter and just ignore the mockers. I limit my fruit intake to fruit like blueberries,strawberries and grapefruit. It really helps with fat loss! Have you heard the phrase "abs are made in the kitchen"? I also eat mostly Paleo. No grains and very few processed foods. Lot's of meat and vegetables.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    People interested in this thread should read a book called: Why do we get fat (cant remember the author) ..

    Somebody wrote a book about why we get fat? What a scam! I can tell people why in one sentence: You eat more than you burn. Ta-da!!! Somebody give me a book deal.

    It's Why We Get Fat, and What and What to Do About it, by Gary Taubes. It's an interesting read and I'd recommend borrowing it from the library. Even though I didn't agree with a lot of it it's always good to learn about different views :)

    It's found in the fiction section
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Yes it does matter and just ignore the mockers. I limit my fruit intake to fruit like blueberries,strawberries and grapefruit. It really helps with fat loss! Have you heard the phrase "abs are made in the kitchen"? I also eat mostly Paleo. No grains and very few processed foods. Lot's of meat and vegetables.

    I doubt that there is a person on the face of the Earth that has actually gotten fat by eating too much fruit. I don't even count it against my daily sugar allowance, I just monitor the refined sugar.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Yes it does matter and just ignore the mockers. I limit my fruit intake to fruit like blueberries,strawberries and grapefruit. It really helps with fat loss! Have you heard the phrase "abs are made in the kitchen"? I also eat mostly Paleo. No grains and very few processed foods. Lot's of meat and vegetables.


    Metabolic and behavioral effects of a high-sucrose diet during weight loss. Am J Clin Nutr. 1997 Apr;65(4):908-15.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    One of the main things I have read about recently is that fructose (that innocent, NATURAL sugar) is actually the worst type of sugar for us to ingest if we are trying to lose weight. Apparently "after eating 120 calories of glucose, one calorie is stored as fat. After 120 calories of fructose, 40 calories are stored as fat." (link below) This is because of its structure, the fact that it is processed by the liver, and also that it is not controlled by insulin.

    Only if your body doesn't need the energy. If you are at an energy deficit, your body does not store fat, it uses it. Your body does different things with sugar depending on whether or not you are in a caloric deficit or a caloric surplus.

    Why is this so hard to communicate to people??

    In for the ridiculous condemnation of sugar!!
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    The Roman legions chose bread over gruel. Look how poorly they did...
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Is there a new sugar demonizing documentary/marketing scheme out lately that I'm not aware of?
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Okay so we've covered that weightloss is cals in vs cals out. Can anyone tell me about maintaining and muscle gaining? Can sugar affect that?

    No sarcastic and rude comments please, it's a genuine question and I would just like a genuine answer :)

    Maintaining = eating at TDEE

    Gaining Muscle = eating at a surplus, lots of protein, lifting heavy things.

    Body recomposition (to remove %bf and build some muscle) = eating at maintenance (lots of protein), lifting heavy + time.

    No specific form of sugar is going to help or hinder this. Eat enough carbs to have enough energy, but focus on hitting protein macros specifically (0.8-1 g/lb lbm).
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    The frustrating thing about these types of discussions is that people tend argue the extreme ends of the spectrum but totally miss the middle where most people fall. I predict the same for this thread.

    I doubt anyone really says that you can eat nothing but zomg pop terts, fizzy pop and Doritos over the long term and expect optimal health. It is absolutely the case that the quality of calories matter to the extent you meet your nutritional needs. Once these are met you can have a little of what you fancy.

    You cannot view things in isolation but need to consider the overall composition of the diet and any relevant medical issues.

    This isn't a new concept - a balanced diet, discretionary calories, IIFYM, whatever you want to call it. I really don't understand the compulsion to make things so difficult.

    Yup yup yup.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Hi all,

    I have heard/read a lot lately about how what we eat is the real problem, not so much the quantity that we eat (obviously quantity plays a part though).

    One of the main things I have read about recently is that fructose (that innocent, NATURAL sugar) is actually the worst type of sugar for us to ingest if we are trying to lose weight. Apparently "after eating 120 calories of glucose, one calorie is stored as fat. After 120 calories of fructose, 40 calories are stored as fat." (link below) This is because of its structure, the fact that it is processed by the liver, and also that it is not controlled by insulin.

    I found this very interesting article, which the above quotation is taken from, which has a LOT of information about sugar. It seems that fructose in whole (unprocessed) fruit is not as bad as in processed fruit and other liquid sources.

    I have also read recently that eating real food, i.e. non man made food, is good for losing weight and general health. Apparently we evolved to process natural foods, and eating things like bread means we can't process it properly. We just weren't made to process grains like that.

    I think the paleo diet is along the same lines as this. While I am not going to limit myself to raw, natural foods, I am cutting out most processed foods (bread does make me feel bloated). I still eat things like soup though, as that fills you up, and I have found that half a packet of crisps satisfies a craving for fat, salt and carbs but is not too many calories. Soup (approx 100kcal), 1/2 pack crisps (aprox 70kcal) and a massive pile of salad for lunch is great :)

    That whole article appears to have been taken from a Lustig video. He bases all his conclusions on a couple of studies where rats are fed extremely high doses of fructose. While Lustig may be right about a lot of things, he has missed the boat on this one.

    Try this for some counterpoint:

    Oh, and we didn't evolve to eat (or not eat) any specific food. We evolved to EAT, period. Well, actually, to reproduce, but to do that we have to eat. But we are omnivores. If we can extract nutrition from it, we will eat it. Eating real food may be better for overall health, but for weight loss the calories in vs calories out rule still applies.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    Anytime I see caution against eating healthy real food like fruit (fructose), grains and legumes (paleo) or any vegetable (carrots and beets cuz they have a high GI) I want to scream.

    For weight loss it is calories in vs calories out. They type of sugar eaten wont contribute more to weight gain. It's the quantity, not the quality eaten that will make you gain weigh or keep you from losing weight

    For me personally, as long as I am not eating too many calories from fruit the more fruits and veggies I can eat the better. They contain not only vitamins and minerals, but antioxidents, phytochemicals including some that can act as antivirals and they haven't even discovered all the health benefits from plants!

    Food is medicine
  • Carol_L
    Carol_L Posts: 296 Member
    Yes it does matter and just ignore the mockers. I limit my fruit intake to fruit like blueberries,strawberries and grapefruit. It really helps with fat loss! Have you heard the phrase "abs are made in the kitchen"? I also eat mostly Paleo. No grains and very few processed foods. Lot's of meat and vegetables.


    Metabolic and behavioral effects of a high-sucrose diet during weight loss. Am J Clin Nutr. 1997 Apr;65(4):908-15.

    •Human metabolism is a complicated process. The 1st law of thermodynamics describes the beginning and ending points of these processes.

    •Our body loses internal energy. There are three places this internal energy can go—to heat transfer, to doing work, and to stored fat.

    •Our body provides a good example of irreversible processes. Although body fat can be converted to do work and produce heat transfer, work done on the body and heat transfer into it cannot be converted to body fat.

    These processes are governed by engergy inputs (i.e. calories in) and expenditures (calories out through various mechanisms such as breathing, et al). When we're in an energy deficit, the body reacts by catabolizing its own material. Ideally you want it to be fat only, but there will be a certain amount of lean muscle sacrificed in the process. The point of doing muscle building exercise is to minimize the losses.

    In simple terms, the body cares about how much energy it has to work with, without too much regard to how it is obtained. For optimal health, you need to mind your nutrients, but that is a whole different discussion here.

    For Fructose-phobes, you do realize that your body creates fructose from glucose via glycosis...right?
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I never imagined eating an apple could be worse for you than a tablespoon of sugar! I need to re-evaluate my diet, stop eating fruit and start eating refined grain all the time. >.>

    Srsly though. -.-'
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member

    There I spent 5 minutes looking for the perfect gif but yours is definitely MUCH better :D

    Tom Hiddleston makes everything much better.
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    Hi all,

    I have heard/read a lot lately about how what we eat is the real problem, not so much the quantity that we eat (obviously quantity plays a part though).

    One of the main things I have read about recently is that fructose (that innocent, NATURAL sugar) is actually the worst type of sugar for us to ingest if we are trying to lose weight. Apparently "after eating 120 calories of glucose, one calorie is stored as fat. After 120 calories of fructose, 40 calories are stored as fat." (link below) This is because of its structure, the fact that it is processed by the liver, and also that it is not controlled by insulin.

    I found this very interesting article, which the above quotation is taken from, which has a LOT of information about sugar. It seems that fructose in whole (unprocessed) fruit is not as bad as in processed fruit and other liquid sources.

    I have also read recently that eating real food, i.e. non man made food, is good for losing weight and general health. Apparently we evolved to process natural foods, and eating things like bread means we can't process it properly. We just weren't made to process grains like that.

    I think the paleo diet is along the same lines as this. While I am not going to limit myself to raw, natural foods, I am cutting out most processed foods (bread does make me feel bloated). I still eat things like soup though, as that fills you up, and I have found that half a packet of crisps satisfies a craving for fat, salt and carbs but is not too many calories. Soup (approx 100kcal), 1/2 pack crisps (aprox 70kcal) and a massive pile of salad for lunch is great :)


    WTF is a "processed fruit"? Is that dried fruit? I need to know how you define processed and unprocessed because I take them fairly bluntly; ie: cutting up an apple makes the apple "processed".

    Mostly I'm in to read later.

    I'm for your GIF