What/when should I eat at work?

So as I bounce back and forth on my journey to fitness, I'm starting to wonder what kind of foods should I eat during work. atm I stick to tea, mixed nuts and salads, but is there anything specific one should focus on?

Currently I work a desk job. I sit there for 7 1/2a each day.


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    The nuts will be quite calorific - watch your quantities.

    I usually have soup - mostly home made, I do a big batch at weekends and freeze in indiviual cartons. But tinned or packaged soups are OK too.

    Or salads - endless variety to be had with artichokes, olives, capers, tinned fish etc.
  • gwenr
    gwenr Posts: 139 Member
    I also work a desk job and I pack basically the same things every day.

    Fage 0% (eaten with 1t pure maple syrup and 1t chia seeds)
    Breakstone's Cottage doubles with pineapple
    A large apple
    One 100 calorie pack of almonds
    I usually also have a frozen meal of some sort (Kashi, Lyfe kitchen)

    A large coffee in the AM and lots and lots of water all day.
  • TRD66
    TRD66 Posts: 310 Member
    I cycle to work so tend to have my breakfast at my desk as well. If you ignore the (no so much lately) occasional slips to something hotter, it's cereal for breakfast (alternating between Kelllog's variety packs and weetabix). Between then (about 7-7:30) I'll have a banana or apple, a cereal bar and some times fruit biscuits.

    Lunch tends to be a home prepared wrap (I found the calories to be less than a roll or a sandwich), usually chicken, but using a variety of sauces (small amounts) to vary. Small babybel goes with that and sometimes a small pepperani and fruit (usually grapes).

    Apple (or banana) in the afternoon.

    Along with the cycling calories this ususally leaves me with about 800-1000 for my dinner, although some days I also exercise in the evening, so I can treat myself more. I will sometimes plan excercise so I can have something bigger for lunch, to add a bit of variety.

    Feel free to send a friend request if you want a peek at the diary.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I almost never eat at work. I am not a grazer or snacker. I am generally a 3 meals per day person, so this is one reason why.

    I work 8+ hours per day at a desk job (with some periods of activity in most days) but I'm fortunate to live just 2 miles from work. So I go home for a full hour at lunch and cook for myself. I also get home pretty promptly in the evening to have dinner.

    For some reason, it has long been a personal pet peeve for people to eat whole meals at their desks. I understand for some people who do not get regular breaks, it is a necessary thing...but it bugs me to see someone with a huge fast food lunch spread out across their desk while working, or any messy looking food. Maybe it's my early retail years, when that was a huge "sin" in the workplace, just coming back to haunt me LOL! I do greet the public, although I work in a manufacturing plant (accounts payable and receivable) so there are a LOT of days when I do not see anyone other than coworkers. I could easily eat at my desk but I find it unprofessional.

    Sometimes on Fridays if I have to drive an hour or more after work, I'll have a boiled egg or Clif Z bar at my desk before leaving. I do drink water all day and occasionally hot tea at my desk.
  • Routerninja
    I usually pack a few snacks for work, some light string cheese, a greek yogurt, a couple bananas and maybe a sugar free jello pudding cup. that coupled with my lunch keeps me pretty satisfied and I also drink a LOT of water at my desk so I am usually feeling pretty full.
  • pokesushi
    pokesushi Posts: 14 Member
    These food items you guys listed sound pretty cool. I might have to try some of them when I get fed up with salad, thanks a bunch! :)

    I also only have one serving of nuts with some peppermint tea in the morning (I always count out 6 nuts), so hopefully that ends up being a reasonable snack.