How I intend to tackle maintenance



  • Stephonice
    I am 1lb off my target, my target being the magic BMI of 25 but I want to drop lower if I can to about 21 or 22 - I think that would mean another 7-10lb or so. People are telling me to stop dieting now and I am taking their advice, will maintain until Christmas using this app and then in the new year I am going to start doing some regular exercise to help me drop the remainder - that way my friends and family wont see me continuing to 'diet'.

    I feel very satisfied when I get to the end of a day and have tracked everything and stayed within my daily goals for calories, I regularly go over on some elements e.g. protein and sugars but overall in a week I stay inside the goals.

    Best app I ever downloaded and, after Facebook, is the most frequently used on my phone/iPad :)
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Heading back into the gym on Monday. I guess that will add a new layer of issues to try and maintain and not continue losing. As it is, I feel like I eat constantly just to meet my current goals. In moved my DTC intake from 1960 to 2160. My current Resting Met is 1578. Current BMI is 22.9, according to Omiron, so pretty happy with that.