Good High Calorie Foods!!

Looking for some help - I need to add some calories to my diet - i mean like 500 - 750 on my workout days - I am looking for some suggestions for healthy high calorie snacks to incorporate into my diet


  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    try adding avacado to your salads/sandwhiches they are high in good calories and yummy. Also add nuts-cashews/almonds to your snacks.
  • eastcoaster
    I agree. Raw nuts are so good for you and high in calorie! I was having the same problem as you, not enough calories. Nuts are the way to go!
  • eastcoaster
    I agree. Raw nuts are so good for you and high in calorie! I was having the same problem as you, not enough calories. Nuts are the way to go!
  • eastcoaster
    I agree. Raw nuts are so good for you and high in calorie! I was having the same problem as you, not enough calories. Nuts are the way to go! Sorry about the double post!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Try any type of nut or seeds, increase the milk fat % in the mild you drink (switch from 1% to 2%). nut butters, add olive oil to salads, soups, sauces. Try eating full fat foods such as yogurt, cheese etc.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    A Tblsp. of Peanut Butter and an apple are a good way to add the cals. Make the PB all natural though! Protein shakes are good as well. You will need the extra protein for all the working out you are doing!
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    A large size banana and peanut butter! Any kind of nut is a good high-cal snack, but be aware of fat content!

    I also love those nutrition/protein bars from the health store, Luna bars, Lara bars, Greens+

    Low fat cheese is a good one as well, especially cottage cheese!

    Happy snacking :)
  • darman
    darman Posts: 269
    hey thanks everyone for the ideas - tommygirl - tried the cottage cheese thing and just can't get there - i am a nut freak though but have been trying to watch the fat (that's where the skim and soy milk comes in) really think I need much more fruit - i need some good carbs to go along with the cal's sooooooooooo we shall see!!