Arms before and after

I'm just starting to workout my arms and since losing 50lbs in the past my upper ams have gotten really flabby and they sway when i wave.ugghhh ! so I want to know is it possible for us ladies to firm up the arms after weight loss.i'd love to see before and after pics.


  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    I can't wait to see the replies. Hopefully some with loose to tight arms :)
    I'm just starting to workout my arms and since losing 50lbs in the past my upper ams have gotten really flabby and they sway when i wave.ugghhh ! so I want to know is it possible for us ladies to firm up the arms after weight loss.i'd love to see before and after pics.
  • Lizzym911
    Lizzym911 Posts: 301 Member
    I would love to see some..give me hope that i can do it.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Work your triceps. Can't guarantee that it will solve the problem but it sure helps. Triceps is a muscle that is under used. Everybody knows about biceps but triceps dips are a great way to not have your arm keep waving after you've stopped.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    If it's just loose, stretched out skin. No luck, you need to have surgery.

    If it's fat that you still have to loose, then loose the fat. Google "bodyfat %" and do some reading.

    Spot reduction is a myth. No exercise can help you with any of this, regardless of which one it is.
  • mnapier3
    If it's loose skin, I don't really know. If it's body fat there's no way to target that area, but work your biceps and triceps. Triceps take (I believe) 2/3 of the arm so they're the biggest muscle; work 'em and work 'em hard. That's my two cents LOL.
  • Lizzym911
    Lizzym911 Posts: 301 Member
    thanks i guess all i can do is keep working them and watch what happens. i should have done weights when i was losing the 50lbs.
  • mnapier3
    thanks i guess all i can do is keep working them and watch what happens. i should have done weights when i was losing the 50lbs.

    Better late than never! I've been going at it for almost a year and I'm STILL seeing changes. Nothing happens overnight and it's mind over matter. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Tiffany4188
    I had loose skin too and started doing Tracy Anderson precision toning for just arms and her mat arms workout. I also tried Mary Helen Bowers Swan Arm Series. After two months of doing 15 minutes to 20 minutes of arm exercises 6 days a week my arms lost 3.5 inches around and my shoulders thinned out. But I had huge chunk of skin prior to that hanging down as I gained 100 pounds. And have about 30 more pounds to go but my arms look fantastic.
  • Lizzym911
    Lizzym911 Posts: 301 Member
    I have to do it so I will not stop ,I'm going to see results! I think I'll try those workout videos out, thanks !
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    If it's just loose, stretched out skin. No luck, you need to have surgery.

    If it's fat that you still have to loose, then loose the fat. Google "bodyfat %" and do some reading.

    Spot reduction is a myth. No exercise can help you with any of this, regardless of which one it is.

    why is it so difficult for people to understand how to spell the word "lose".

    life mystery.