Hey! :D (23 years old, 5'6, looking to loose 80-100 lbs)

I normally don't socialize on message boards like this. I tend to be sort of a lurker -- reading everyone else's posts and seeing how awesome everyone else is doing. But, this is the first time I've been a member of a weight loss/gain/fitness website and figured I might as well jump in with two feet :P

So... Hi, everyone!

I have a pretty common story when it comes to my weight gain. Food has always been comforting during hard times, and commonly used as a form of celebration in my family. Christmas? Dinner! Easter? Dinner! Our cousin-by-marriage-twice-removed's birthday? Dinner! My mom was a single mom and was often working, so more times than not I was with my grandparents during the day and they didn't know how to say no to me. Anytime I wanted any food what-so-ever, be it sweets or a full course meal, they never said no. So, I was always a plump child. Through a combination of me getting older / losing weight, by the time I was 13 I was about 5'3 and weighed 130. That was the happiest I've ever been with my body. By age 14 I weighed 145. By age 15 I was 160. By age 19 I weighed 210 and decided I needed to do something about it. Through severe dieting and exercising I got down to 175 within two months (I say severe dieting because it messed up my menstrual cycle during that time). And then, at age 20, I went to college for a year! All you can eat buffet! After that year, I weighed around 220. At the beginning of this year I weighed 246 and decided I was going to make a huge change during this year. I got down to 228, then life took a dump on me and has caused me some severe depression and anxiety that I'm still suffering with today. But, I'm going to stop using that as an excuse to not do anything and stop letting it control every aspect of my life..

I am now 23 and I weighed 240 as of yesterday morning. Throughout my entire life I've tried diets here and there.. I lose 10 pounds I gain it back.. I lose 5 pounds, I gain it back. But nothing has stuck. And I've never kept up the lifestyle change for very long. (It makes it harder when you have a boyfriend that can live off of fast food and not gain a pound.) I'm hoping that with this website, this community, and my own willpower that things will change this go around.


  • caseygrant90
    caseygrant90 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi LeafyPoo! :)

    Your story is very similar to mine. I've tried time and time again to lose weight but I never am motivated enough to make it past a month or so. Eventually something has to give, and you finally make a committment to weight loss. Seems like you and I both finally hit that point! I'm 23 years old, 5'10, and 187 lbs, down from 213. I'll shoot you a request, we can kill this weight together! :P
  • LeafyPoo
    LeafyPoo Posts: 18 Member
    Congrats on your progress so far! I sure hope I can muster the willpower to stick with it this time! I'm thinking the people I meet on here can definitely help me with that. And, I can help you guys the same! We're all fighting similar battles, and knowing that is helpful in it's self.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Well... I am sure not in my 20's.... but my starting weight was 268. My goal is 140ish and I have another 50 to go. More than half way there with lots of stumbling, but I always get back on. What I am getting at is it can be done!! You are gonna rock this!!
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me if you want for motivation. :)

    I know what you mean about boyfriends that can eat anything... so not fair, right? :) Well it kind of is, I guess, as he works out hard too and has a physical job. But anyway, just think of this time as the long-term, it really does have to be a lifestyle change otherwise you're right, the cycle keeps repeating. With the tools available here and the forums (very helpful info and people here), you can learn how to make it a lasting lifestyle change for you.

    Also, your profile picture is so pretty! If that's your face at 240, holy crap you carry your weight well! (I mean that as a compliment!)
  • nlb1106
    nlb1106 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey! I have been very similar with my weight too. I'm 22 5ft 8 and 270 lbs at the moment. Im now starting to try and lose weight too and using this to try and stay motivated. Sounds like you can lose weight when you set your mind to it so I am sure you will do great this time :)
  • tasharock
    tasharock Posts: 136 Member
    You can do it!

    Believe you are worth it.
    Make a plan and stick with it.

    Be amazed!
    I'm still in shock at my 86 lb loss, but it is totally possible.
  • We have very similar stories (especially with the boyfriend part). It is easy to lose control fast but you just have to be stronger than food! You can do it :-)
  • LeafyPoo
    LeafyPoo Posts: 18 Member
    Well... I am sure not in my 20's.... but my starting weight was 268. My goal is 140ish and I have another 50 to go. More than half way there with lots of stumbling, but I always get back on. What I am getting at is it can be done!! You are gonna rock this!!

    Wow! Awesome job on your accomplishments so far! I love the quote on your page -- "Stumbling is not falling." I need a reminder of that every now and then. And thanks! I really hope I do!
    Also, your profile picture is so pretty! If that's your face at 240, holy crap you carry your weight well! (I mean that as a compliment!)

    Thanks so much! I get told I'm lucky with how I carry my weight, so I guess there's that! I don't have an issue with the -shape- of my body.. it's the -size- :P Hah
    Hey! I have been very similar with my weight too. I'm 22 5ft 8 and 270 lbs at the moment. Im now starting to try and lose weight too and using this to try and stay motivated. Sounds like you can lose weight when you set your mind to it so I am sure you will do great this time :)

    It's very motivating seeing the people on here show what hard work and dedication can do. It's a lot different than seeing the people on the commercials that have "lost weight". It's much more believable and "real" on here. Maybe we can help each other to stay motivated! :D
    You can do it!

    Believe you are worth it.
    Make a plan and stick with it.

    Be amazed!
    I'm still in shock at my 86 lb loss, but it is totally possible.

    Thanks for the motivation! And congrats on the 86 pound loss! That's so awesome and you look great! :D
    We have very similar stories (especially with the boyfriend part). It is easy to lose control fast but you just have to be stronger than food! You can do it :-)

    Very true. Thanks so much! So can you!