Dukan Diet! I'm in maintenance but ill help dukaners:)

Hi everyone!:)
Currently in phase three on the dukan diet (consolidation) and I'm maintaining my weight. Any dukaners who need help? I have been doing the diet for a while so I'd love to help anyone with questions or who is unsure :)
Also if anyone is in stabilisation how do you manage? I will be starting stabilisation soon and my plan was to continue to follow dukan consolidation principles but to add the bits that we aren't allowed (eg feta cheese, more treats during the week) as I believe it's calories in and calories out and I mostly eat very healthily so when I reach stabilisation ill be more confident to add more treats as long as I don't go over my maintenance cals!


  • committedxx
    committedxx Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there!

    I was thinking of starting the Dukan diet - would you recommend it? How much weight did you lose on it and how long did it take you? Are you allowed to drink on it and do you have a membership on the website or are you simply using the book?

    At the moment I am 64kg and I want to weigh around 50kg and see results fast!

    Do you have to stick with their idea of your true weight or can you go below it?
  • committedxx
    committedxx Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there!

    I was thinking of starting the Dukan diet - would you recommend it? How much weight did you lose on it and how long did it take you? Are you allowed to drink on it and do you have a membership on the website or are you simply using the book?

    At the moment I am 64kg and I want to weigh around 50kg and see results fast!

    Do you have to stick with their idea of your true weight or can you go below it?
  • rachellebells
    rachellebells Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! Yes I would definitely recommend it! Because it works but mostly because if you stick to it, it teaches you a way to enjoy food, ALL food, in moderati on and with balance , and the weight doesn't come back ! I don't feel like im on a diet any more! im in conso and in fact, I enjoy foods I wouldn't have touched before because I thought they would make me gain and guess what my weight stays the same:) I started the same as you, 64 kg and wanted to be 50:) it told me my true weight was about 53kg but I managed to get lower and stay that weight and I personally feel fine. My mum did the diet and her true weight was about 59kg but she decided to stop at 60/61kg because she felt she looked too thin so it's to each individual :) I don't have a membership purely because I honestly believe I have the diet written in my Brain! I got very passionate about it and I've read the Italian books and English books as well as doing a lot of research and personal experiments on myself so I know I have it all sorted! You're not allowed to drink on it until you reach the third phase and you have your celebration meals, but after you finish the diet and have gotten an idea of how your body works better there's no reason why you can't enjoy an extra drink here and there. I've found that its all about moderation :) Ill private mail you anyway so I can help you a long the way, ask me anything and everything :)x
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    At the moment I am 64kg and I want to weigh around 50kg and see results fast!

    maybe consider aiming for long term changes not fast results.
  • rachellebells
    rachellebells Posts: 19 Member
    Absutely right. The thing with dukan though is that in the attack phase you see results fast- that instantly is a huge motivator.. The second phase is a little slower and third phase is basically teaching you how to eat normally and to be balanced which is the long term phase of the diet and definitely a long term mission! But the dukan DOES work, even if you do see results fast the weight does stay off:)
  • rachellebells
    rachellebells Posts: 19 Member

    At the moment I am 64kg and I want to weigh around 50kg and see results fast!

    maybe consider aiming for long term changes not fast results.

    Absutely right. The thing with dukan though is that in the attack phase you see results fast- that instantly is a huge motivator.. The second phase is a little slower and third phase is basically teaching you how to eat normally and to be balanced which is the long term phase of the diet and definitely a long term mission! But the dukan DOES work, even if you do see results fast the weight does stay off:)