Looking for supportive friends



  • Hi Jessica you can add me too.

    I suggest spinning classes. For my own weight loss I found with spinning I was loosing a lot of weight each week. The best thing also about spinning when you start you can go at your own pace and build it up a bit each week and I really enjoy the classes too.

    Good luck with your goal :-)
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    Hey there! I'm looking for more supportive friends as well. I try and comment on everyone's work outs, but I only have a handful that do on mine. :huh:

    Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • A_Healthier_Me2013
    A_Healthier_Me2013 Posts: 227 Member
    hey there! same goals!

    - trying to lose 30lbs
    - do cardio, zumba, weight training (sometimes lol)
    - keep an open diary

    add me :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Hi Jessica! I'm in a similar situation...just a few years older. I'm 37 with a goal if losing 50 pounds. I'd love to be able to motivate each other through our weight loss journey! :)
  • kaeb911
    kaeb911 Posts: 5 Member
    ...happy friday everyone! please feel free to add me! there is nothing better than the comfort of knowing others out there are sharing in the same journey!
  • You are all so amazing!!! Thank you for replying!!! ???? I will be adding everyone that told me to! This made my day!
  • Drdisney
    Drdisney Posts: 90 Member
    Feel free to add me (open invite to all of you) I am on here everyday, log everything (even the halloween candy I ate last night) and my diary is open. Lets help each other reach our goals. Have a great day!
  • bs240z
    bs240z Posts: 70 Member
    feel free to add me. i am happy to help encourage you!
  • Welcome, Jessica. I'm an on-again, off-again MFP'er so I can use the help, too! Let's help each other! And, this invitation is open to anyone.
  • JuneCarey
    JuneCarey Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning,
    My name is Nadine. This morning as I was at the gym, a former collegiate stated she was doing this program. She has lost 33 pounds & looks great. In fact last night I decided I was going to do program & she confirmed my notion that this was something I need to do. So today I am ready to lose this weight one & forever. Need all the support I can get.
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    Feel free to add I love friends and am here everyday
  • amsky
    amsky Posts: 916 Member
    I have a few before and during pics in my profile...feel free to take a peek ( my profile is friends only !)
  • jstud266
    jstud266 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Jessica, im Jessica and I am also looking for supportive friends. In 22 years old and starting goal of losing 100 lbs. Feel free to add me as I'm still learning how all of this works :)
  • DeeGreen1978
    DeeGreen1978 Posts: 57 Member
    hi i'm Dee, this is my 2nd day on here. I have illnesses that I take meds for which have put weight on me. I also have m.e and struggle to lose the weight and keep motivated. feel free to add me if you want