Ideas for healthy eats during international travel?

Hi everyone,

I'm heading flying to London tomorrow and I want to make sure that I plan on eating healthy on my way there. I leave here at 1pm, so I plan on having my own lunch before I hit the airport. I fly for 4 hours, then have a lay-over in Toronto for 2 hours. I'm assuming the food on the plane from TO to London will not be very healthy but I haven't taken a flight with a dinner served for years so I'm not sure. Is my best bet to find something healthy to eat in Toronto for dinner rather than chance it on the flight?

Also, what kind of healthy snacks do you guys bring with you when you travel? I know that if I'm prepared, I won't have any problems with eating unhealthy so I want to make sure I'm there.



  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Since I have Celiac's (gluten allergy) I always travel with my own snax since I never know if I'll be able to find anything I can eat. Nature Valley actually makes some GF bars now, but their regular granola bars are a good healthy snack & energy boost. You can also get those little fruit snack packets (I know they're more kid oriented, but 80cals and make with real fruit juice is better than some junk from a vending machine!). I would recommend eating a good meal in Toronto, airplane food is PACKED with so much salt that it's ridiculous! You'll end up gaining weight on the first bite & you swell anyway on a plane, this will just bloat you even more!
    I haven't been to London in over 15 years, but if it's anything like it used to be, even fast food is not as processed as the stuff in the States (Wimpy Burgers! The best there ever was!). I also don't remember that much sodium in most foods there, so that is a bonus. You're on vacation so enjoy the exotic foods :tongue: like real fish and chips and bangers and mash. But still do some exercises - if you have a laptop, download a couple exercise videos so you can still work out: I have Tai Chi & TaiChi/Kickboxing saved on mine so I don't have to schlep weights or anything, I can just do the 50 min workouts & go.
    You'll have a Great time: don't forget to ride the Double Decker bus (ride in the upper deck on a top-less bus) and take the tour: you get to see all four Gates into the City!
    Good Luck & most of all, ENJOY :happy:
  • thanatos
    thanatos Posts: 29
    Thanks for the tip!