Real Affects of Poor Eating

Wrote this a couple days ago, to share with people who need motivation.

The passed week of processed foods and sugars have truly affected my body physically emotionally and mentally.

Aside from the typical growth in my chins and belly, I've felt all around like complete crap. I have had multiple pimples pop up which is VERY uncommon for me.

I've felt tired, and in craving sugars that didn't even seem to fulfill whichever tooth that asked for it.

I've felt overly exhausted like I couldn't sleep enough.

I've gotten more blue and down as well, all of life suddenly looks more cynical.

My focus has been off and I've found myself drifting from every topic

surrounding me, even work.

Sleeping for days seems viable, but since that's not an option I must begin to fight it.

I can easily see how negatively sugar and processed crap affects the body. I feel down in every aspect.

Starting today ill be getting back in my workout routine which includes much more water than what i have had the past few days.

Well I finished my normal cross fit class today but even beginning with the walk over I felt like vomiting, warming up made it worse and I was sure come the 110 burpees it was all going to come out, but to my surprise it did not. None the less I felt awful.

I decided to keep my routine going after cross fit to get back in mode and burn some of the calories i'd eaten. I spent 45min burning 410calories on the elliptical in which the first 20 all I wanted to do was go to my room and lie down but I was sure everyone was watching me struggle and I couldn't have them see me walk out.

Post shower seeing the candy on the table caused the craving to kick back in. I saw it and thought, I don't have to give in. But like a school girl who'd never learned the power of saying no I crumbled and gave in to its sweet looks, and afterwards felt ashamed. I wanted to just curl up and cry in regret.

In writing this though I know like many times before, the world will continue to spin and tomorrow the sun will rise and I will wake with a new chance.

Starting tomorrow ill be getting up without processed or added sugars, I plan to limit even my fruit intake to 3servings a day to detox the cravings.

Starting whenever the stuff arrives I bought I'll be detoxing out more and focusing more on build and protein to make the build.

In two weeks the sugar should be fully detoxed and paleo completely back in motion.

By December ill have noticed considerable differences and by going home ill have looked better than before I left.