18 and still no facial hair?



  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    I'll trade you some back hair for not having to shave my face...

    seriously though, I'd ask a doctor.

    Same here! But, yes talk to your doctor. I'm wondering about a hormonal imbalance.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    dont sweat it dude.

    im 35 and only shave once a week (i start to look "dirty around thursday")
    when i was a kid i always looked forward to shaving everyday and equated it to manliness.

    tbh, im stoked and friends envy my baby face.

    i have no upper body hair at all...nothing on the back, shoulders, or chest.
    this pleases both me and my wife.

    i wouldnt worry.

    ETA: and by "shave", i mean that i use the same clippers with no attachment that i use on my head once a week...so in reality im not even shaving, per se.

    My husband is the same way (just turned 39). He can't grow a full beard and only has to shave every 2 or 3 days. And now that it's goatee season, he'll shave even less often. No upper body hair except pits and some arm hair. Lower body is more hairy but his upper thighs are pretty much bare. And I'm very happy about it! Body hair is not my thing...

    Also, I know guys who have random patches of no hair that just seems to run in their family so it could just be genetics. My friend Brian has no hair on his lower legs. We thought it was from wearing high socks but even in the summer when he goes without socks more often than not, there is no hair there. He said his brother and Dad are the same way. And most of the guys on my father's side of the family are mostly hairless too. Wish I got more of those genes - I hate shaving!

    OP, I wouldn't make a special appointment about it but put it on your list of questions for when you go in for an annual check-up. Might not hurt to ask if it's a hormone thing and see if they can check to see if your testosterone levels are up to snuff.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Are you native American? A good friend of mine is 23 and he doesn't even grow arm or leg hair. Some nationalities really are less hairy than others lol

    this is what I was thinking depending on your ethnicity or you may just come from a non hairy family. You can still talk to a doc, but if you went through the normal male cues of puberty I dont think there's much to worry about. Be happy you dont have to shave everyday.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    It's genetics. My ex had little to NO facial hair. All he would get is a few whiskers above his lip.. It grew in all white trashy like that..
    I'm laughing XD haha.. Wow, the way that was put :P
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    fake facial hair for Halloween as I can not grow a beard for the life of me and I am 37yrs old....I can grow facial hair but it is sporadic at best.

    If you are overtly concerned about a hormone imbalance see a doctor for test.
  • Rogsman
    Rogsman Posts: 106 Member
    You're one of the lucky ones. Clean shaves for us bears last about 2 hours max, and the beards don't just stop on our faces but fill in every inch of our bodies. Cursed. Then you hit 40 and get even more hair, but the dang hair on our heads starts to thin forcing us to shave them clean as a babies bottom. So then you have to grow a goatee so you look like Heisenberg, or get a neck tattoo for the basasswhiteboy look which forces you to walk around looking angry to complete it.

    Then you have to deal with this weird genetic malfunction among females that happen to like all this hair, like my wife. I've been trying to get rid of her for 25 years now but she refuses to leave. I blame the hair, starting with the beard.

    Yeah dude, it's a curse for sure. It's impossible for me to even think about looking metrosexual.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    Don't sweat it, im 26 and only have to shave once a week because I prefer the feel of a smooth face, i could even leave it 10days plus and people would barely notice unless they was face to face. I look at as a blessing I don't have to shave on a daily bases winner winner chicken dinner