Smell ya later plateau!!!

broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
For the past 6 weeks (or maybe more by now) I have just lost and regained the same 3 pounds. It has been so very frustrating. If I were doing this on my own I would have just said Frack this and started again next "MONDAY". Its amazing how many weeks of my adult life have went by without a "MONDAY"!! Alas, the blasted plateau has broken and I have started losing again. I am short, not so young, have asthma, hypothyroidism, and stressed to the maxxxxxx!!! So the odds are not so ever in my favor. Excuses mecshmushes!!! It may take me another year and a half to get to where I want to be but Jimmy crack corn, and I dont care!! I will be there and will feel so much better that I finally did this. Long story short (too late) DONT GIVE UP!! I know I havent lost a ton of weight and have a lot to go, but the plateau I just broke through almost made me throw in the towel and revel in my own gluttonous skin. I didnt quit, and I am feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the holiday season!!! So if you are at a plateau, keep going and you will get there!!!


  • sassymanatee
    sassymanatee Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story! I'm currently on a plateau and feel so frustrated with it. I even reconsidered anorexia like I was ten years ago. This really encouraged me to continue fighting the weight battle without starving myself.
  • VictoryGarden
    VictoryGarden Posts: 194 Member
    TY for your story. I'm at a plateau as well, and it is so very demoivating.

    Just gotta keep on keepin' on!
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    Woohooo! It's always inspiring and a good reminder to stay consistent and stick the system that works :) I'm also reformatting my thinking because it takes time! And at the end of the day, I'd rather be five lbs lighter in two months than five lbs heavier :)

    Nice job!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    good job OP

    When you hit these plateaus it is really helpful to focus in on the process rather than the number on the scale. Focus on being a better you...focus on your nutrition and fitness...focus on being more awesome today than you were yesterday and sleep well with the knowledge that you will be more awesome tomorrow than you were today. Remind yourself always that, though you may have a goal weight, really...nutrition and fitness are lifetime endeavors...there truly is no finish line...not next week or next month or next year...this is a lifetime endeavor.

    Focus on the results and you rarely see the change; focus on the change and you always see the results.
  • RonW956
    RonW956 Posts: 105 Member
    Not sure if this had anything to do with it or not but for over a month I was stuck at 177-176lbs with no weight loss. Only change I made was to eliminate anything that had wheat in it. Then when I weighed myself couple days ago I was surprised to see that I dropped down to 169... Not sure if it was coincidence or the reduction in wheat products?
  • Great job, your story kind sounds like mine I have stayed at the same weight for too long I keep gaining and loosing the same pounds. I am just like you stressed out to the max, and there are a lot of other things but I have not given up still waiting for that plateau to go away. Great job on sticking with it I have not given up either even though sometimes I just think what is the point of it all.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Great job staying strong! :)

  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    So how much did you lose after the plateau and did you do anything to break it or just continued with the same plan.
  • bethshines
    bethshines Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you for posting!! This is encouragement I need :)
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I upped my cals a little (100 or so) at a time. Its at about 1800 now, but I dont usually eat that many. I net around 1400-1500. I do like to kind of hord some so that I can have some extras for the weekend. I have only lost about 2 pounds since my plateau break but I am not hovering around those same 3 pounds still, so really it would be more like 5 pounds lost since then, if that makes sense. I also have been doing a little more exercise. I dont always eat my exercise cals back either.
  • Thank you so much for this post!! I too have been yo-yoing back and forth with like 3-4 pounds and just havent been able to break through the plateau! Someone recommended MFP to me and I'm hoping this is with tool i need to start losing again. I am around 15 pounds from my goal and I don't want to quit now.
  • Congratulations and thank you for sharing - I need it. About 2 months ago my plateau started, a month in I kinda' gave up and started eating what I wanted here and there, which turned into almost all the time, eating whatever. I gave up exercise for almost that entire month. Obviously I haven't lost any weight because of this, but I started today to keep going and not give up. So, thanks so much for this. Plateaus are a b*tch.
  • IvyRose8
    IvyRose8 Posts: 25 Member
    It may take me another year and a half to get to where I want to be but Jimmy crack corn, and I dont care!!

    Oh my gosh, that made me laugh so hard! Thank you for this message. I have been unable to lose a single smidgeon in the past week or so and it's making me crazy. I've been tempted to say "Frack it", too.

    But you're right.... we can't keep waiting until that magic Monday comes around. Keep on keepin' on!
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    YES YES ! Your perseverance paid off. So glad you stuck with it and didn't fall off the wagon - nice going and good to hear.
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