Losing without working out

Anyone losing the weight with calorie counting alone?

I rarely find time to work out. I've been doing well so far with portion control and making better food choices and have lost about five pounds in the last two weeks, though my official weigh-in day is on Monday so we'll see then for sure. My worry is that the weight I've lost so far is thanks to the "shock" my system has gone through thanks to such a dramatic reduction of calories and once I'm used to the change, I'll no longer lose the weight. For the record, this may also be a completely irrational fear because for the first time in years, I feel like I may have found something that actually works. So, is anyone losing the weight consistently without regular exercise?


  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    A lot of people lose weight without exercising. But if you choose to exercise:
    1) you'll be healthier
    2) you'll look better
    3) you'll be able to eat more.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You just need a calorie deficit to lose weight. As far as weight loss is concerned, exercise is just a way to create a bigger deficit, or to be able to eat more and keep your deficit.

    But exercise is extremely important for long term health. I would encourage you to make room in your schedule for it.
  • Bobbie8786
    Bobbie8786 Posts: 202 Member
    I started on MFP 5 months ago and did not exercise (AT ALL) to lose any of my weight. However, as my weight loss has progressed I now have only 1400 calories a day so this past week I have been trying to add 20 minutes of low impact aerobics most days to earn some more calories.
  • harminzer
    The only activity I can do without causing myself injury is moderate walking. I have dropped 26 pounds and roughly 5 inches around my middle since July 13. I am 63. If you don't increase your activity level in some way you will end up in poor health. So count calories, watch your portion size and play ping pong or something. Best of luck.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    My worry is that the weight I've lost so far is thanks to the "shock" my system has gone through thanks to such a dramatic reduction of calories and once I'm used to the change, I'll no longer lose the weight.

    How drastically have you cut your calories? Go too low and you'll eventually be in trouble. Take a modest deficit, incorporate some exercise with strength training and you'll be fine. But to answer your question, only a calorie deficit is necessary for weight loss. See previous poster's comment on why you should add some exercise.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    yeah. Me, pretty much.

    This is why I look almost the same as before, but am drastically smaller. My typical exercise is simple walking and I only hike and bike 1-2 times a week, nothing drastic. I don't "work out". I want to do more of it but I am not gonna lie. I don't.

    Don't get me wrong - I HAVE lost some of my pudge here and there, and my chubby lower abdomen is drastically flatter, my thighs are drastically leaner, etc. But I haven't totally transformed my body like a lot of people who have gone from 307 to 212 (which I have over 5 years). I have the same basic shape as I did when I was 60+ lb heavier, I am just a lot smaller overall.

    This is why people who see photos of me on facebook etc, don't always see a difference right away, but people who know me irl ALWAYS comment on the dramatic change because I look a lot taller and take up way less space.
  • thesophierose
    thesophierose Posts: 754 Member
    Its all about a calorie deficient :) but working out is amazing for health, even if you just get in a light walk. <3
  • rosemary98
    I have lost a good amount of weight counting calories. Just today I went to the gym for the first time, not to help lose weight...but to get toned. I am thin, but don't look so great naked or in a bikini (if you know what I mean). I look forward to having some muscle and tone.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I don't exercise AT ALL. Let me tell you, it really simplifies the math. I haven't had a bit of trouble losing weight, I just log accurately and keep on doing what I've always done with regard to exercise: nothing. :bigsmile:
  • nataschalouise
    What makes it so hard for you to find time to exercise?

    I don't have children so please don't be offended by me if you do.

    But I work 9-5 Monday-Friday and am currently studying for my professional accounting exams at the same time, so I basically go to work, go to the gym, come home, eat, and then revise until 12. I have been doing this for 3-4 weeks now. What is TV?!

    So do you really not have time, or are you not making the time? Its totally different, and its something you need to think about.
    Being fit is as important as being slim and eating healthy, especially as you get older.

    My mum is currently trying to lose weight via diet alone, but I am trying to make her exercise. She the a typical "scared to make the time for exercise".

    If you do have children, it is actually very positive for them to see their parents active, and you can include them in your exercise. Such as cycles, go swimming, walks etc. My Aunt is in amazing shape, with 3 children. She goes for a 30 minute run everyday, before the children wake up for school and when she takes them to their swimming classes, she would go swimming herself.

    You could go for a walk/jog in the morning before you shower? All it means is waking up 20/30minutes earlier.

    Again, don't be offended by what I say, but I am sure you can find 20 minutes out of your day to do a little bit of exercise. It might not be much but it will really help with the weight loss and general health, fitness and well-being.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I've lost 23 lbs through diet alone, but my shape isn't changing - I'm just a smaller version of the same, which is not what I'm going for. They say that dieting makes you look better in clothes but exercise makes you look better naked, and I think it's true.
  • kvalhion
    kvalhion Posts: 16 Member
    I was able to lose 78 pounds in exactly one year without a gym membership. I am not a big fan of chronic cardio, where you sit on a treadmill or elliptical for 30 minutes. I focused on eating clean and going outside and playing. It didn't really feel like exercise but I enjoyed moving around, especially as I began to lose weight.

    I checked on meetup.com and played tennis a few times a week. I started playing indoor soccer once a week. I walked around, went to the park, hiked, whatever I felt like. I didn't have a set routine, I just enjoyed being active. Eventually I decided to take up jogging for the fun of it and ended up running a half marathon.

    Once I lost a majority of my weight, I gave Crossfit a try and have been doing that for over a year 5 times a week. You never really do the same routines in a row so it is always different, plus I like having a set workout to go through where I can go in, work out hard for an hour, then be done.

    In the end you should find something you enjoy doing. Do not feel like you have to kill yourself with 3 hours of exercise each day in order to lose weight. If you can find something where you are active and are having fun without it feeling like a chore, great. If not, just focus on the diet. Good luck!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Yes - you can absolutely lose weight without exercise BUT the cost is pretty steep.

    Eating at a calorie deficit & doing some form of strength training (push ups, sit-ups, squats) will help PRESERVE muscle mass. If you can exercise, or if you ever plan on exercise, try to make the time.

    Keeping muscle is hard work......building muscle back up is HARDER work.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Yes - you can absolutely lose weight without exercise BUT the cost is pretty steep.

    Eating at a calorie deficit & doing some form of strength training (push ups, sit-ups, squats) will help PRESERVE muscle mass. If you can exercise, or if you ever plan on exercise, try to make the time.

    Keeping muscle is hard work......building muscle back up is HARDER work.

    Citation needed. What "cost" do you refer to? Because I can tell you right now, I haven't been paying it. :drinker:
  • ossentia
    ossentia Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you for all the responses.

    In answer to a few of the questions, I'm eating up to 1400 calories per day.

    I do move quite a bit during the day so I'm not just sitting all day, every day, but I'm not on my feet the majority of the day by any means.

    What makes it so hard for you to find time to exercise?

    I just opened my own business a few months back. I'm working 50-60 hours per week. I have two children under 5, a husband who also owns/ operates his own business, a house that always seems to be dirty, laundry that never does itself, etc. You know, the same thing most of you probably deal with but still find the time to exercise. :happy:

    The truth is that after coming home, cooking dinner, cleaning up, getting the kids to bed, and finally have a little quiet in the house, I just want to sit on the couch for the hour or so that I have before bed. Make sense?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I lost my first 20 Lbs or so with no exercise...but then I decided that I wanted to be healthy all around, not just lesser weight. I also lost more muscle mass than I would have had I started doing resistance training earlier...you're going to lose some either way, but less if you actually put your muscle to work.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    You lose weight in the kitchen and get fit in the gym. You can absolutely lose weight without working out. In fact, I think 90% (or even more) of weight loss happens solely due to the foods you choose to eat.

    Having said that, exercise is so good for so many reasons and not all of those reasons are physical! It increases your metabolism, it makes your heart healthier, it gives your body definition so you look great when you lose the weight and it makes you feel good both mentally and physically.

    so yes, you can absolutely lose weight without working out, but really, why would you want to? :-)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Keep in mind also that a good workout can be had in 20 - 30 minutes. Popular misconception is that you need to be spending hours working out...most who do that and/or are working out multiple time per day are overtraining. The only reason to spend hours and train multiple time per day is if you're actually training for something and you're already pretty fit.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Your body will not become accustomed to a new lower caloric intake and does not need to be "shocked." What can happen is you feel drained, so you will move less, fidget less, etc. You're overall less active, without realizing it. Also, your maintenance calories will drop along with your weight, and your LBM.

    Regarding exercise, a calorie deficit without strength training will mean more of the weight lost will come from lean mass than necessary. If you have a lot to lose, you're likely not going to like your appearance at the end of the process. It is not easy or quick to replace this lost muscle mass. Aerobic exercise does little to preserve muscle mass, but has other health benefits. Since these benefits are unimportant to you, I won't bother listing them.
  • ossentia
    ossentia Posts: 96 Member
    Great points about exercise having less to do with weight loss and more to do with overall shape and health. I hadn't thought about it that way. Now, what about strength training? Can it be as simple as lifting weights a few minutes a day or do I need to do more? I do a few leg toning sets at bed that I have not mentioned because I don't break a sweat so I don't really consider it exercise. I could add some lifting with free weights.