Going to try and lose weight - need motivation

Hey! I'm Kathryn :) I'm going to try and lose some weight before Christmas! I've had numerous failed attempts at losing weight.. My main issue is that I lose motivation so easily. I think having a few friends in this to motivate me will really help! So if you'd like to help me out, just add me :)


  • ecanales52
    ecanales52 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi there, Feel free to add me......but I will tell you right away, "motivation" will not help you lose weight. Loosing weight is accomplished with hard work, discipline, and dedication. You must first make a commitment to yourself that you will accomplish your goal. Then get out there and start eating healthy, track everything you eat, work your butt off.....and you WILL transform yourself! Best of luck to you!! :happy:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I totally agree, feel free to add me as well.. I started my weight loss journey in 2008 aug 2008 that is, by July 2009 I had hit goal weight with 141 pounds lost.. Yes I have gained a few back, but have went through a divorce and a few hard relationships in the last 2 years, I am settled now and back on it fully!! Just takes hard work, and I always say that losing the weight was the easy part the hard part is maintaince you do the same hard work you just dont see the scale move! But I will support you each step of the way!!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    "motivation" will not help you lose weight. Loosing weight is accomplished with hard work, discipline, and dedication. You must first make a commitment to yourself that you will accomplish your goal. Then get out there and start eating healthy, track everything you eat, work your butt off.....and you WILL transform yourself! Best of luck to you!! :happy:

    This ....... you need to make priorities & stick to them ...... good luck :drinker:

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Hi there, Feel free to add me......but I will tell you right away, "motivation" will not help you lose weight. Loosing weight is accomplished with hard work, discipline, and dedication. You must first make a commitment to yourself that you will accomplish your goal. Then get out there and start eating healthy, track everything you eat, work your butt off.....and you WILL transform yourself! Best of luck to you!! :happy:

    QFT and sending you a friend request.
  • laursoar
    laursoar Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. I think the best thing to remember when you're starting out is to take it all one day at a time in the beginning. As long as you keep going, it will get easier for the most part. Eventually, the results will come too. It just takes all of those days adding up and a realization that it doesn't happen overnight.
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    You can do it, you just have to want it bad enough! I was finally sick and tired of hating the way I looked and wondering what I was doing to the inside of my body. You have one life to live! Let's be friends- my diary is open and I log 99% of the time :)
  • Hey, welcome, I am also new here in the forum and I am trying to finish reaching my goals.
    Anyways, just make sure to stay strong and positive and no matter what, don't give up!

    I was around 150 before and I was a bit like clueless, but I started and I was determined, now I am around 135 and I feel great! :smile: I had a little secret that helped me reach there, if you want to know about it go to http://healthychamber.com

    Anyways, once again, stay strong and you will get there!
    Best of luck x
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I wil add to the notion that motivation cannot come from others. It has to come from yourself, from wanting something badly enough to do it, day after day, after day.
  • WorkingMomGetsFit
    WorkingMomGetsFit Posts: 70 Member
    You can add me! This is a great place to go when you need a little motivation and encouragement :smile:
  • Hi there, Feel free to add me......but I will tell you right away, "motivation" will not help you lose weight. Loosing weight is accomplished with hard work, discipline, and dedication. You must first make a commitment to yourself that you will accomplish your goal. Then get out there and start eating healthy, track everything you eat, work your butt off.....and you WILL transform yourself! Best of luck to you!! :happy:

    Wow - that is telling the truth!! I have to work on this every day and it is not easy. Track everything is most important. I lost and maintained for over 6 months then stopped weighing myself and tracking. Now I find 10 extra lbs that must go. Back on track and feeling great.
  • I am in the exact same boat. I lose motivation so fast. Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe we can do this together. I am really going to start living for me and I need all the help I can get.
  • Hi Kathryn! I'm really glad you're reaching out to everyone in the community for help with your journey. A lot of the posts to this topic are slightly negative, telling you that motivation from others won't help you lose weight. If this is true, what is the MFP community for? We're here to motivate each other to work hard to reach our fitness and weight goals! Motivation from others can DEFINITELY help you lose weight, especially since you're already expressing interest in getting healthy and you said yourself you need it. I am also starting out losing weight and accountability is HUGE for me. Feel free to add me, so that we can motivate each other!