Dailyburn Workouts... any successes?

I signed up dailyburn (month free trial). Anyone else use this site? Any success? Working out is working out... but just curious. Thanks!


  • Kisha1976
    I just signed up this week, and started the Daily Beginners program. I haven't worked out in a bit under a year, and I REALLY like this workout. Justin is a great motivator, he has background people who are really relate-able (one had surgery, the other was a former Marine who was unable to walk a year earlier, etc). The workouts focus a lot of stability and mobility, but also a good amount of cardio and strength. In the past with other programs (like Billy Blanks, Crunch, etc), I felt as though I couldn't keep up even thought they claimed to be beginner programs. With Dailyburn, you get a great workout that's not too strenuous. I love it.

    The only negative thing is that you can't combine programs into your calendar (maybe that's to avoid people from working out TOO much?). But they have a Discovery section where you can do a certain workout without having to commit to it.

    All in all, I think it's definitely worth the $10 per month.