5ft, 200lbs, PCOS, Mom of 4 - Lifestyle change here I come!


I'm Jazz, I was on my fitness pal before but didn't connect with anyone or have any friends doing it with me. I've always used an upcoming event (bday, new years, hubby bday, etc) to force me into a unrealistic, unhealthy dieting frenzy. I have finally realized that DEADLINE dieting does not work for me. I have finally accepted the truth that changing my lifestyle is the key in order to get fit and stay fit. So, Two weeks ago I decided I was ready and chose 5 things I would start with:
1. Drinking 4 bottles of water a day
2. Journaling my meals (myfitnesspal)
3. Take out my contacts every night (I know doesn't have anything to do with weight but hey I'm changing my life people!!!) lol
4. No juice ( I was drinking Simple Lemonade daily), no candy (licorice every night, don't judge), no fast food (leave me alone In&out) no Coffee (Starbucks how will you stay open without me?)
5. Walking for 30 minutes a day

Surprisingly, I made it through week one without "forgetting" or quitting, I didn't walk all week but I did everything else so I was pretty proud. I'm telling myself Baby steps and I honestly believe Journaling my meals is what has made the difference and kept me focused and on track. I was cruising through week 2 when Halloween tripped me up a bit, but I'm proud to say I only ate a few bite sized snickers and today I'm refocused.

I feel like I'm on track but need to connect with other women that just understand the struggle. I'm 30, married with 4 children, struggling with PCOS with 50lbs to lose. Anybody else out there trying to change their lifestyle and in desperate need of a support system? Friend Me let's do it together.


  • Samuraiko
    Samuraiko Posts: 180 Member
    Every little bit helps. And the fact that you're making small changes and following through with them shows that you can actually get there! It won't happen overnight, but it will happen eventually.

    And good for you that you're not overly beating yourself up for having a bit of chocolate on Halloween.

    Me, I'm 39, no kids, 5'8", 300.6 pounds (ALMOST UNDER THAT 300 LIMIT!), with a goal of 175. I will get there eventually. The first four weeks of this Koverhaul of mine have included increasing how much water I drink, COMPLETELY removing soda from my diet (oh gods how will I get through this), taking additional vitamin supplements, and doing isometrics and stretching. So far, I'm down just over 13 pounds, at least an inch off my tummy, hips, and thighs, and already I notice I can stand or walk for longer periods of time than before.

    So yeah, you're not alone. :)

  • MamaG1313
    MamaG1313 Posts: 29 Member
    The little changes makes a big difference. I'm pretty sure we can help each other get down to 150 so I added you :). lets do this!!!
  • jvshields
    jvshields Posts: 6 Member
    Congratulations on the 13lbs, I know you worked hard for it! I know what you mean about noticing the small things, I noticed that my neck doesn't hurt as much when I'm trying to sleep. Before It felt like the fat was trying to secretly climb up my neck and choke me but couldn't succeed because I kept noticing! lol This morning I though about just giving up since I ate the candy and messed up my good track record but I had to just remember that I'm making a lifestyle change and it not about the mistakes of one day, it's about staying focused and moving forward to make a better decision the next day.

    Thank you for the motivation, I'll be cheering you on!
  • jvshields
    jvshields Posts: 6 Member
    Working out is my downfall, but after seeing you post your workout for today and your 1lb weightloss, I'm going to get it together and a least go walk for 30min. Thank you for inspiring me! I'm out the door!
  • serenakashmir
    thats awesome that your figuring out what works for you! like they say "failing forward." just because you stop doesnt mean its over. it means your slowly working it out to find out whats best for you, and getting better at sticking with it each time. i have a challenge group on fb where we say nutrition+fitness+accountability+knowledge=success. Id love for you to join us if your interested!
  • accendo
    accendo Posts: 66 Member
    Hi I have 4 kids too and I only started tracking seriously about 10 days ago (the weight loss on my ticker is from before), I'd love some new friends. I'll add you.
  • starrycarina
    I have PCOS as well! Feel free to add me .It's nice to have support from those who understand our condition.
  • chrissyreneet
    chrissyreneet Posts: 52 Member
    Mom of 3 with PCOS. Losing weight can be done. After the birth of my first, I lost almost 60 lbs and maintained (in between pregnancies 2 and 3) until last year. I started logging on MFP in August to lose the 10 lbs I regained and then decided I wanted to drop a bit more. I'm down the 10 and want to lose another 15 or so. I just don't want the muffin top. It's a slow process but it's happening and I'm becoming more active than I've ever been. Anyone can add me if they want. Always looking for new friends.
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    I have had pcos and hypothyroid for the last 22 years. Ive struggled for the last 20 years but my new endocrinologist put me on aldactone and metformin. I started a diabetic diet that was given to me from the nutritionist at the hospital the endo was based in ( She sent me for consults) and its worked im down 37 pounds (bout 40 more to go ) in the last 4.5 months with working out 40-60 minutes a day (2 days off).
    Ive always had issued maintaining my work outs. Boring, hard work yada yada the usual drill have gone through it over the years. Then i found something i enjoyed and it helps. Ive always wanted to learn to belly dance and the videos you can buy online are a pretty good strength and cardio work out so im burning calories and getting amazing abs, thighs, butt, shoulder and arm definition. Its hard work but im learning some good moves and once i got past the point of yelling omg this woman is gonna kill me ( lol the instructor in the video) Its become a blast. Hopefully you will find something that will click for you. For my days i work out on the eliptical i put a small tv in front of it and hook my netbook up to it to watch tv shows or movies while working out. The distraction keeps me from thinking about how many minutes ive done or how much longer to go.
  • Samuraiko
    Samuraiko Posts: 180 Member
    like they say "failing forward."
    I misread that as "falling forward." Then I thought, you know, that makes sense, too. I mean, if you're moving forward and you trip, even when you stumble and fall, your momentum carries you forward. It just takes more effort to get back to your feet than it does to actually keep going.

    There's something deep there, I think...
  • determined2bfit13
    determined2bfit13 Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome! I like all your goals..you have to do what works for you! I'm happy that you are here and are ready to change your life.

    Take things one step at a time...Don't be so hard on yourself if you mess up, just dust yourself on and start right up on the next meal.

    Good luck!! You can do this!!! You owe it to yourself :)
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Would love to be your friend. Have five kids, and am 41 pounds gone with 60 more pounds to lose. It's hard to prioritize but so worth it!

    I'm not cutting out things like you are, but I've drastically cut down and am working on moderation and overall, some pretty healthy habits. I have cut down the diet coke and that's not an easy cut. lol