Coke Subsitute

29bubbles Posts: 126 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
OK.. I need to get off these coke kick. It's hurting me and my caloires. I'm not opposed to ice tea(unsweet) ... I can't stand diet that's a no go.

What do you all enjoy drinking?


  • Fiedems
    Fiedems Posts: 52 Member
    LOL, I can't stand Diet Coke. Though Coke Zero is actually ok. I find that if I"m going to drink a diet soda the ones with cherry flavoring in them actually taste better to me.

    Though I love coke, and understand totally how hard it is to give up.

    Right now... I drink water with those little flavor packets in them. I let myself have a coke once a day if it's small. I find I don't feel deprived if I do that. It's an evil cycle though so I only have 1 six pack in my house at a time. That way I stick to it better.
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    Pepsi Max taste closest to the original....and zero calories..... I don't like it because of that. I am a Diet Pepsi Drinker....
  • wendalin4
    wendalin4 Posts: 57 Member
    Coke Zero is your best bet without totally giving up your soda habit. It tastes different the first couple times then it just becomes the taste of reg Coke lol thats the best way i can describe it....
  • Orakio
    Orakio Posts: 3 Member
    I keep cans of my soda of the week on hand - no more than one can per day, as a rule of thumb. It's a more expensive than the 2 liter bottles, but it makes portion control a lot easier. For the rest of the day, water, and I mix kool-aid with splenda instead of sugar.

    Learning to tolerate diet dew, but only drink it with a meal, to try to keep any possible metabolic issues from popping up - I want there to be something for my body to go to work on if the sweet taste really does trigger the sugar metabolism,
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    I like fizzy drinks so I have sparkling water with a slice of lemon or half and half with real fruit juice. I always water fruit juice down as I find it to syrupy and sweet.
  • I am a cokeaholic. No matter how many times I try to drink diet coke or coke zero, I just can not stand the taste. I loved loved loved C2 when it was out. Was so upset when it went off the shelves. I can tolerate caffeine free diet pepsi if I am eating something. (Funny I like that but will NOT drink regular pepsi! lol) I was drinking those little sugar free packets and then started getting headaches from too much. I allow myself one coke a day if I have to have it. Otherwise I drink water or water with lemon.
  • 29bubbles
    29bubbles Posts: 126 Member
    I suppose by one coke a day, you mean one can a day...not my 20oz bottle or a large one from McDeath. I'm guessing a frozen 44oz coke is bad too - LOL.

    I'll have to get some cans... and I'll try the sparking water. Has anyone ever added some kind of vanilla to a bubby water? I once read an article featuring a Bigest Losser person who mentioned some kind of vanilla she put in water which made her coke need go away.
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    Diet Dr. Pepper or Carbonated water. There are ones that are flavored and have a artificial sweetener or ones that have nothing but the water.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I hate diet coke......but coke zero is one of my favorite soda drinks ever!! I also like to drink crystal light and I water it down since I find it sweet and with only 5 ish calories it can totally count towards your water intake not to mention all the different flavors. I've been know to sip on a few energy drinks per week (sugar free rockstar) and I'd say thats about it for me.
  • It took some weaning down, but for a long time I now drink only water, tea, or coffee. I try to stay as natural as possible, so the only things in my tea or coffee is sugar in the raw and half and half.

    I do make sodas for my husband, using carbonated water and Torani syrups, or fruit juice and carbonated water.
  • I can't drink soda, because of having the lapband, but my husband switched from regular Pepsi to Pepsi Max, and he loves it even more now. Now when he drinks regular Pepsi, it gives him bad side pains.
  • 29bubbles
    29bubbles Posts: 126 Member
    I wonder what's in Itailan Sodas? I love them.... I'll have to check out that surup. Adding half & half sounds kinda good too.

    I appreciate all your info and help!
  • scrappymel
    scrappymel Posts: 107 Member
    diet a&w isn't too bad.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I'm a big Crystal Light fan! I'll make a big pitcher and it'll last for a day or 2, or use the small to-go packs. Plain water does get boring at times. My father used to drink Coke like it was going out of business, so it was always in the house, along with something else like orange soda, root beer, etc. In college I went to diet soda, and now, after years of putting weight on, I've gone off of soda pretty much completely. It's usually only in the house if we company. I try to always have water and CL stocked. When I go out it's always water, with a couple lemons. The carbonated water is a great alternative as well, and much cheaper!

    My big thing was getting my coffee light &sweet. I think there was more cream and sugar than actual coffee! In my iced coffee I knew it was good when I could see the riing of sugar on the bottom :laugh: Now I only use milk or light cream, and no sugar at all, or if I make it at home it's a teaspoon of sugar free coffeemate. :drinker:
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    I used to be able to crush a 12 pack in a day no problem. I now use light apple juice to quench the craving.
  • thickntired
    thickntired Posts: 76 Member
    As a Coke substitute you may want to try the drink packets you put into water. It can be full sugar ones or diet ones. I personally like the grape flavored one by Walmart's Great Value brand. Another option is if you like the fizziness of Coke maybe drink sparkling diet water or you can drink this thing my mom got once. It's called Kool-Aid Fizzies I believe. They are pellets you put into water and it fizzes up into a drink. However I will warn you, if you hate the taste of Alkaseltzer you will hate fizzes or it will take a while for you to get used to taste. I hate Alkaseltzer but eventually got used to the taste of it. Once again I had grape, but they have other flavors as well.
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