Lunch boredom

I am looking for some suggestions. I am in a lunch rut! I can not physically get myself to eat another ham or turkey sandwich, or a salad for lunch. I am finding myself turning to eating out because I am bored with the same stuff all the time. What are some of your go to lunches to pack for the day? Thanks everyone!


  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Honestly I usually take for lunch what I made for dinner the night before. I would suggest taking a day where you're not as busy, and cook up a bunch of meats and veggies that will freeze well. I LOVE Mexican flavors, so it's my go-to flavor when I'm in a pinch. Things like chili freeze quite nicely, and there are dozens of ways to change that up.

    If sammichs are easiest, maybe switch out the type of bread you're using. Try a low-carb wrap (they wrap up nicely without much, if any, tearing), or try swapping out mayo for hummus as a spread.

    I saw someone in another thread suggest making tuna salad with hummus instead of mayo, so gonna try it.

    Try swapping out iceberg lettuce for arugula or baby spinach.
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, I think I am going to cook up some chicken tomorrow and separate it for the week, maybe throw it in a wrap some days. Thanks again!
    Any other yummy suggestions ?
  • robinmmurphy3
    robinmmurphy3 Posts: 65 Member
    If you have access to a microwave the sky's the limit. I bake enough fish for 2-3 days....salmon, cod, tilapia or trout......and I take some fish or baked chicken breasts and some veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, green beans.....whatever you like) and heat them up for lunch almost every day. You can also do soups....even if you don't have access to a microwave. Just get yourself one of those soup thermoses. I make turkey and black bean chili.....DELISH.....and that would go nicely in a thermos too.
  • I hardly ever eat sandwiches for lunch. I like to take foods like chili, veggie stir-fries with brown rice, grilled turkey burger with salads and quinoa with veggies and meat all homemade. Hope this helps! Good luck.
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I just finished up a big pan of chicken w/ some sweet peppers and italian dressing. Going to separate it out for me and hubby for the week. Throw some veggies in each day for sides :) I'm excited to not be eating a sandwich tomorrow