gained 6 lbs just this week . thinking about quiting ..

My binging has been absolutely out of control . 6 thousand calories for the past 4 days ... i have gained 6 lbs JUST this weeek ......and have competely just lost all hope . Giv me a success story . Before/after picture .. Anything... to make me feel like this thing is really possible. Cuz im giving up ...........


  • Brandonalex15
    Brandonalex15 Posts: 101 Member
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    It's possible for anyone. You absolutely have to have the right mental attitude though. It's every bit as much in your head as much as your body.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Perhaps you should examine the reasons WHY you are binging. Is your daily calorie goal set too low? Are you restricting certain foods? Turning to food for comfort? Stressed?

    Find the problem and then find ways to fix it.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    It is possible. Not easy, but possible. You have to want to do it.

    I'm down over 40 lbs. since January. I don't have before and after full body pics yet, but my profile photo and its predecessor show how much my face has slimmed:

    It also helps to figure out whether there's anything that food is compensating for. There may not be. In my case, I was simply eating a little too much every day, plus a lot too much at holidays.

    Finally, I recommend looking at John Walker's "The Hacker's Diet" ( He does an end run around guilt and shame by focusing on weight loss as an engineering and management problem. Plus I think he's an amusing writer.

    Good luck!
  • I know how you feel-
    I went on vacation with my grandparents after my graduation, I was at my goal weight when I left, I got home 2 weeks later and I had gained 12 pounds- I wanted to cry, but I didn't I buckled down and tried to eat right, I kept binging and then under eating then binging again- Then after looking up different diets and stuff I found the alternate day diet- just Google 'JUDDD' I got the book from the library - I've been doing it 10 days now and I'm doing fairly good, maybe give it a try, anyway don't give up- think about how good you'll look when you're down to your goal.
    good luck- and don't give up.
  • 6000 calories divided by 3600 calories/pound = 1.67 pounds.

    If you're retaining water: A PINT IS A POUND, THE WORLD AROUND,
    as a doctor taught me.

    You need to be eating as many calories as your resting metabolic rate, or BMR.

    Best wishes!
  • Just one more thing, Brandon. You're young. You're only 16 pounds overweight.

    The other day my daughter asked me, gently, how I let myself get up to 150 pounds overweight. I thought about it and said, "Because I gave up when I was only 20 pounds overweight." And I spent my whole life being huge, when I could have just dealt with it way back when and lived a much happier life.
  • candiceh3
    candiceh3 Posts: 379 Member
    You likely didn't gain 6 lbs of FAT. If you binged on carbs and salt, you would be storing a lot of those 6 lbs as water. I recommend drinking a lot of water for the next 3-4 days and doing some cardo to deplete your glycogen and probably 3-4 lbs of that weight gain will disappear.
  • smarinowilson
    smarinowilson Posts: 18 Member
    don't give up.we all go threw this stage.just start again new.its ok we are only human
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    Don't let a rough week discourage you. I went off program for six months and gained of course. But back on and losing
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Dont give up! I almost gave up last week, too!

    I have 8 lbs to goal and I was just binging up a storm after how far I came and gaining it back before I even got to goal.

    I started eating stuff high in protein & fiber every 3 hours and it keeps my binging at bay starting at the binging of this week and Ive lost a pound for the first time in two months. If you truly need more food, exercise!

    I also stay up stairs away from the kitchen at night. So watching TV at night isnt an option for me because I grab food.

    You have to find stuff that keeps you full, and stay away from & dont buy things you cant control yourself around
  • Brandonalex15
    Brandonalex15 Posts: 101 Member
    Just one more thing, Brandon. You're young. You're only 16 pounds overweight.

    The other day my daughter asked me, gently, how I let myself get up to 150 pounds overweight. I thought about it and said, "Because I gave up when I was only 20 pounds overweight." And I spent my whole life being huge, when I could have just dealt with it way back when and lived a much happier life.
    that was powerful ..
  • LanaeCarol
    LanaeCarol Posts: 158 Member
    Don't give up and quit!!!!

    Even if the scale says you are not currently being successful, you CAN succeed! Just ignore the last few days and get the mindset that you are going to make changes, permanent changes, in the way you approach food. Then each meal or snack time decide if what you are about to eat works for your goals.

    Yes, you will have days when you overeat or you don't make the best decisions but as time goes by, those days become fewer and fewer.

    I had a rough couple of months where I gained back 20 pounds. I decided to buckle back down and pay attention to what I was doing to myself. Those pounds came back off and now I am lower than I have been in probably 10 years. I still have a long way to go though. I know that the scale will not always be lower when I weigh myself but now I view that reading as an indicator - when it goes up especially for more than a couple of weeks I really need to ask myself before every bite if it will help me reach my goals. In the end, I lost 59 pounds in one year even with that large gain.

    It is possible to succeed at this if you keep persevering and don't let setbacks cause you to give up completely!

    Hope to see more of you on here. Good luck!
  • Brandonalex15
    Brandonalex15 Posts: 101 Member
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    My story is in my profile. Good luck.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    The scale is a CRAPPY indicator of anything. It doesn't really give you a good indicator of how you are really doing.

    You really need to care less about what the scale says .. and more about just eating healthy, logging what you eat and getting some exercise if you can.

    Good luck.
    - Kevin -
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Everyone goes through things like that. We're human. Maybe it's a natural fluxation, or we did something on purpose, or we didn't really mean to but it happened anyway because of some factor. I gained 2lbs the other week because I hadn't been feeling well & didn't exercise. 2lbs is small, but for me it takes about a month to work off (being short is a factor) so it can be discouraging. The important thing to remember is that there WILL be bumps in the road like this, but what will ALWAYS keep you successful is when you approach them & get over them. I know what I need to do to get back on track & so do you. The only thing that's going to stop you now is you, so don't do that to yourself. Keep going! We can do it!
  • DanIsACyclingFool
    DanIsACyclingFool Posts: 417 Member
    Just one more thing, Brandon. You're young. You're only 16 pounds overweight.

    The other day my daughter asked me, gently, how I let myself get up to 150 pounds overweight. I thought about it and said, "Because I gave up when I was only 20 pounds overweight." And I spent my whole life being huge, when I could have just dealt with it way back when and lived a much happier life.

    That's awesome. Other than the actual numbers, I that's my story, too. But you expressed it perfectly. :flowerforyou:

    Brandon, a year from today you can either look back and be proud you stuck with it or be sorry you quit.

    I've been fighting my battle for about 20 months now. Every day, every single day, even including the bad ones, is a day I am closer to my goal. What's cool is as you get further along the changes become more pronounced, and your increased fitness allows you to up the intensity even more. Once the largest stores of fat are gone, even small losses become super noticeable. My last 10 pounds really looks more dramatic than the previous 30 because of this.

    Forget about yesterday. It's what you do today that matters. Stick with it and push forward.

    I'm not telling it'll be easy, because it won't.

    but I am telling it's going to be worth it.
  • queenb39
    queenb39 Posts: 54 Member
    Please please don't give up. Have you ever watched a baby? Evertime they fall they get up. And you must do the same. You must do it for the sake of being healthy. Remember God loves you and you must keep trying.