new to the comunity but not to MFP. ( i love this app)

i started my journey to a healthier lifestyle back in June when i weighed my heaviest. 276 lbs standing at 5'10". played sports most of my youth, so diet and exercise is nothing new to me.

after 4 months of long hrs at the gym and tons of cardio, i am now 240 with 40 more lbs to lose. weight lose was stunted after i re injured my herniated disc in my back from using poor form doing squats. i have taken the last 5 weeks off to recoup and now have my second wind. and luckily enough i only gained 3 lbs during that time.

i love the mental as much as the physical after losing all that weight, but i still have a ways to go.

i would post pics of before and current of my loss, but cant seem to find out how. after searching these forums and most turning up dead links or just not working i give up.

hello everyone.