Do Fat Burners??

I eat pretty clean, exercise 5x a week (including cardio and heavy lifting); but I can seem to burn this stubborn belly fat burners work, do people take them.

maybe i''m just impatient.; but if anyone uses them or has used them, and success/failure stories would be great.


  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member

    I really doubt it. Eating less calories than you use is the only reliable fat burner.

    Don't worry, it'll come off - just stick with!
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Fat burners are just a ploy.
    Just start to mix things up.. Week 1 use a treadmill; Week 2 do Insanity, week 3 do something else. .etc..etc...
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I feel the same way ... my midsection is my weak point too.

    It is all about the patience. I too would love to have real abs, but I know that I didn't gain this weight overnight .. and it will not come off overnight. Looking at your profile pic .. you are doing well. Just keep at it ... you will get there, it will just take time.

    Good luck.
  • GainsAddict
    GainsAddict Posts: 7 Member
    yeah...i figure they didn't work....ill just stick to it old fashioned diet and exercise....and that was a good point by edmscan.. something i always forget.....the fat is from years of living a sedentary lifestyle...a few years wont undo everything magically.

    Thanks guys!
  • silenthunter93
    silenthunter93 Posts: 40 Member
    Fat burners aren't really worth it just a waste of money. Just keep eating clean and for cardio do HIIT every other day. And remember results doesn't happen in one day, it may take weeks, months even years to achieve them, never give up.