Gaining weight after health problems..

Hey guys,

I've a friend who's been using MFP for a few weeks after losing weight due to serious health problems. She's struggling to keep up here though as without friends to motivate its easy to fall into old habits. This board seems to be used mostly by those looking to body build or by those recovering from eating disorders. She's happy to have either as friends but could really do with some people looking to gain weight after losing without intention. Are any of you willing to add a friend? Could you suggest people or places to find people?

(Friend: Weebles1703)


  • I will be her friend! When I was 16 years old I had a jaw surgery that left my jaws wired shut for 2 months. I was forced on a liquid diet but we didn't know how to manage at first. One week after my surgery I had already lost 14 pounds! I felt horrible! I actually felt fatter too, before I was toned and muscular but after losing that weight I was very flabby.
  • imogen__may
    imogen__may Posts: 78 Member
    Oh fantastic! I'll give her your user name, or feel free to search her and add :)