How to maintain diet when everyone around you isnt?



  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    YOU are responsible for what you eat. No one else. I live in a house with three other people. Two of them are obese and eat very carb-heavy foods. My husband eats carby foods, but is trying to eat better. I'm eating keto-style. I'm able to resist the carby foods because I have no desire to really have it.
  • skinnybythanksgiving
    Hi Bubba,

    I eat the chips (and the carrots) with a meal.

    Weigh and measure everything and put it in your My Fitness Pal diary. Make sure you eat 3 meals a day and at least one snack. I don't eat junk by itself.

    What everyone else is doing is irrelevant. You may have to change your playmates for awhile to reach your goals. Good job on the days you did stick to your plan. You can start over right now.
  • Solomino
    Solomino Posts: 36 Member
    I started this journey a couple of months ago and what works for me to stay motivated is to read success stories. There is one girl here "the skinny me wants out" has inspired me the most. I now have her on Facebook so I can be in touch with her.

    I know what you mean by not being able to get back on and start again. She wrote before Halloween that candy is her weakness and YES she is going to eat candy and YES she is going to eat chocolate and tomorrow she will walk a little longer, maybe a little faster, she may lay off the carbs or sugar the next day but it didn't stop her in her tracks. Wow, this was inspiration for me. I now have that same attitude. I was at an office party in honor of my There was so much food and cake as well. I was served and I ate alongside all the other people eating and I had a piece of cake and I think for the first time, I knew it was o.k. because I made the decision to work harder this week.

    My husband and I went through a large bag of chips every night in front on the tv. He still eats like that, as well as fudgesicles and junky foods...I don't deny myself. I have the chips but I count them out now and have them in a bowl. If I want a fudgesicle, I try not to have any sugar during the day so I can indulge.

    I denied myself certain foods every time I was on one diet or more baby. This website has been my saving grace. Logging in my food diary is something I do daily to keep me on track.

    You can do it. Tomorrow is always a new day. Start again......we are rooting for you, we are cheering you on. :happy:
    Add me as friend if you want and we can motivate each other.
  • xWendyJonesx
    xWendyJonesx Posts: 266 Member
    Since being on this journey I've learnt it's all about portion size, I ate the right foods but just far too much.
    If I have a bad day I make sure I pick myself up the next day and get back on track as quickly as possible.
    Its good to have a treat day every now and again, just try now make them too regular.
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    Have the chips if you want them, but LOG IT. Then you can say, "I only have xxx calories left today, which will help you say no to going over. You are in control of what you do. Also, prepare your food in advance if you can- that tends to help me. Good luck!:flowerforyou: