Shower after workout?



  • Fuax75
    Fuax75 Posts: 70 Member
    I always wait a few minutes just to cool down some or I will sweat right through my shower.
  • fxgs
    fxgs Posts: 41 Member
    I've just read about a basketball player who died after an intense session and having a shower
    immediately after.

    And his name please...............................details please.
  • no2thdk
    I understand where everyone is coming from with their comments but I know that me personally if I take a shower right after working out I get really nauseous. I think its because of going from being really hot to really cold/hot. I let my body cool down for at least 20-30 minutes and then get it. It might just be me but I thought I would chime that in.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    I'm not entirely certain how this became a controversial thread...

    Anyway. If I'm at the gym for yoga, I shower right after my workout due to time constraints and a lack of desire to stand around doing nothing for an extended period of time. If I'm closer to home for lifting, I hydrate and protein before hopping in, with maybe ten to twenty minutes in between, unless I get sidetracked. Ditto for local runs.

    I suspect waiting to cool off is better for your body but going sooner is better for your skin. H3ll, if it's humid enough I sweat after my showers anyway.
  • samco66
    samco66 Posts: 126 Member
    After my workout i make and eat my protein shake then i shower. So i have like a 15 -20 min gap between working out an showering. I find it really nice to take a cool (not hot or cold) shower and wash my face after a really good workout. Everyone is different though; some might like to wait to shower while others might like to do it right away. i think its more of a personal preference and how fast you stop generating sweat. i think its smart to wait until you are done sweating