Binge eating disorder and ADHD question

I have binge eating disorder. I have been reading books and researching this online. I have also been to my doctor. My doctor is referring me to a nutritionist. I have also been starting to think that I may have adult ADHD. I am wondering if anyone has any information, or personal experience with having both binge eating disorder and ADHD. Thanks for any comments.


  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    my first diagnosis was for adhd and my last was for schizoaffective disorder. i dont know if im really a binge eater or not i have days every once on a while where im soo hungry i eat and eat and never seem full. youre best bet is to diascuss it with your doctor first to see if you may need medications to help ease the adhd and alot of the medications for it do help supress your appiatite. you might find the first medication isnt for you ive been dealing with my stuff for 15 years and its still not right. it takes time and patience. best of luck to you
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    Impulsive eating can go hand in hand with ADHD since it centers around impulsive behaviors. Being a teacher and parent, I can recognize and own up to my own ADHD characteristics. I was the teacher who believed that too many parents just labeled their kids ADHD for help at home. When my son came along, I saw all of the signs by 4 or 5 years old. When I saw the effect it had on his school by 1st grade, I started seeing things that I do, and have always done myself. When he was diagnosed and I saw the HUGE change after medication I started to wonder about myself and researching adult ADHD.

    I was always the "forgetful" slacker but I started to wonder how long I struggled with it. I realized that I could remember as far back to freshman year in college. I was the sticky not queen! This was my first year without good ol' mom keeping me on track. Everything my son does, I do too. When he went on medicine, his standing infront of the open fridge days stopped. He grazed all day before...just like me.

    I finally asked the doctor about it a year later and was put on medicine. When I asked about possible weight gain, I was told, "Well, if you put on 10lbs in a month, we'll change it up." Boy, he doesn't know me at all!!! When you have so much to lose, 10more lbs. isn't a drop in the bucket. Well, I was lucky enough not to gain extra weight from that and found myself finally juggling my many hats better than ever. My snacking habits did not stop until a year later when I signed up on MFP! The urge to eat is still in there and comes out from time to time (like today) Medicine has only helped me find organization to a very scattered life and not feel so overwhelmed about it.

    I hope this helps a tad bit for you. I do know of a young, heavy girl, who was put on ADHD meds. just for the impulsive eating. I have not heard any feedback from that other than she has not lost any weight.
  • CriosDubh
    CriosDubh Posts: 60 Member
    Read this article.

    My doctor said that adult-onset ADHD is really what happens when a person who has always had ADHD loses the ability to compensate for the disorder. Some people with ADHD grow up undiagnosed while functioning at a high state thanks to intelligence, luck, and the help of others.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    If you would like more info, add me as a friend: my baby sister is hyperglycemic/ADHD, my brother & his daughter are ADHD and my older sister is ADD. As for me, I was diagnosed manic depressive/schitzophrenic numerous years ago, became anorexic/bulemic, lost over 60 lbs 10yrs ago: gained back 20+lbs in the last couple years... However, my Brother in Law is a master nutritionlist & just opened his own health food store this year and thanx to exercise and better nutrition (he helped me get back on track), I haven't taken any medication in over 8 months :happy: Goal#1 accomplished :happy: And I look and feel so much better :flowerforyou:
    I still go on "eating spreas" but it is not to the extent I used to and it's usually healthy stuff, like I eat too much meat or chicken and salad :tongue:

    Just remember, this is a lifestyle change; you are rewriting your blueprint: I am still rewriting mine, but I know I can do this & so can you :flowerforyou:
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Thank you all so much for your help. I am trying to figure all this stuff out, and your experience is so helpful to me.
  • suckitup
    suckitup Posts: 95 Member
    Read this article.

    My doctor said that adult-onset ADHD is really what happens when a person who has always had ADHD loses the ability to compensate for the disorder. Some people with ADHD grow up undiagnosed while functioning at a high state thanks to intelligence, luck, and the help of others.

    Amen to this quote...this wraps me up in a nutshell. (lot of luck and help...and pity of others) :wink:
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Read this article.

    My doctor said that adult-onset ADHD is really what happens when a person who has always had ADHD loses the ability to compensate for the disorder. Some people with ADHD grow up undiagnosed while functioning at a high state thanks to intelligence, luck, and the help of others.

    Amen to this quote...this wraps me up in a nutshell. (lot of luck and help...and pity of others) :wink:

    Me too! My diagnosis 6 months ago suddenly explained why despite my high grades and school success, I always had a reputation of being a 'dumb blonde' for my amazing ability to be disorganized, scattered and lose everything I touch!

    I'd like to blame my impulsive snacking on it too :)
    Get bored... go wander and find something to eat!
  • girlruns
    Wow. I had NEVER connected over eating and ADD/ADHD. My husband was diagnosed with ADD as a child and at some point stopped taking meds. Now as an adult it is still something he struggles with. He is not on any medications and I think he does an amazing job of working through his struggles, but that does shed some light on his personal battle with food and weight. He knows how good he feels when he eats right and exercises but has a very hard time sticking with it.

    tlapdx72--I'm glad there are others here who know what you are going through. You have done an amazing job so far and I'm sure you will continue to kick butt!
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks so much girlruns :) i did end up getting diagnosed with ADD, and found out that binge eating is common with this disorder. it goes along with the impulsive behavior part of the disorder. Still learning lots about it. Hoping that I can finally find some peace with all of this. Sounds like you husband is doing great. Good for him :)