IIFYM..good or bad?

Hello everyone

I only just learnt about IIFYM (if if fits your macros) yesterday from a guy at the gym. I can see it works great for him because he's a competitive body builder and looks great! However, can this method of dieting work for everyone? I'm a 21 year old female and just can't believe I could have a great body eating pizza/chocolate/cakes etc.
From what I understand, you can pretty much eat what you want as long as you are within your calorie goal according to a IIFYM calculator. However how does this type of dieting work compared to a less focussed on calories type diet but all very "clean" foods..for example I know of a lot of people who have had great weight loss success not focussing really on calories but just making sure they eat really healthy.

Since I'm still very clueless about IIFYM could I get some more info and opinions? Thanks in advance!


  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Yes, it works. Don't fall too in love with the 'eat whatever you want' aspect, though. Done right, you'll still be looking at getting your micronutrients as well as macros. And that means a balanced diet including vegetables, fruit, fish, etc....

    The two big advantages of IIFYM are -

    1 it doesn't demonize the source of nutrients. If you can contribute to your nutrition goals with a quarter pounder and a McD salad, go for it.
    2 it doesn't demonize any particular nutrients. If you have met your nutrition needs for the day and fancy a sugary treat in the evening - have at it. Just keep it in your calorie allowance.
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    I'm sure you can lose weight if you meet your calories, regardless if it fits your macros or not. The problem I see is that one piece of pizza and one piece of cake might fit your macros AND calories for the day, but can you live on that? I'd rather "spend" my calories on healthier foods (as a general rule) and eat a lot throughout the day. My blood sugar and cholesterol is going to be a lot better for it, too.

    I say to each his own. For me, IIFYM is a relative term. Can you lose weight that way? Sure. Will my body be as healthy as it would be if I just occasionally indulged in those foods? Probably not.

    Is IIFYM good or bad? Neither. It's all about what your goal is. If losing weight is your only goal, then go for it. If overall health (inside and out) is your goal, then I'm not convinced that pizza and cake is the way to go.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I'm sure you can lose weight if you meet your calories, regardless if it fits your macros or not. The problem I see is that one piece of pizza and one piece of cake might fit your macros AND calories for the day, but can you live on that? I'd rather "spend" my calories on healthier foods (as a general rule) and eat a lot throughout the day. My blood sugar and cholesterol is going to be a lot better for it, too.

    I say to each his own. For me, IIFYM is a relative term. Can you lose weight that way? Sure. Will my body be as healthy as it would be if I just occasionally indulged in those foods? Probably not.

    Is IIFYM good or bad? Neither. It's all about what your goal is. If losing weight is your only goal, then go for it. If overall health (inside and out) is your goal, then I'm not convinced that pizza and cake is the way to go.

    This is a common misconception about IIFYM. Most people do not live on pizza and cake. They have well balanced diets as I outlined above. They just don't deny themselves anything once their nutrition needs are met.

    Someone doing IIFYM right, if they reached the end if their day with 80 calories left but deficient in protein, would not eat ice cream. They'd reach for a lean protein source. Same situation but deficient in micronutrients, they'd reach for veg or fruit.

    IIFYM is about a balanced diet without food-fear.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I'm sure you can lose weight if you meet your calories, regardless if it fits your macros or not. The problem I see is that one piece of pizza and one piece of cake might fit your macros AND calories for the day, but can you live on that? I'd rather "spend" my calories on healthier foods (as a general rule) and eat a lot throughout the day. My blood sugar and cholesterol is going to be a lot better for it, too.

    I say to each his own. For me, IIFYM is a relative term. Can you lose weight that way? Sure. Will my body be as healthy as it would be if I just occasionally indulged in those foods? Probably not.

    Is IIFYM good or bad? Neither. It's all about what your goal is. If losing weight is your only goal, then go for it. If overall health (inside and out) is your goal, then I'm not convinced that pizza and cake is the way to go.

    This is a common misconception about IIFYM. Most people do not live on pizza and cake. They have well balanced diets as I outlined above. They just don't deny themselves anything once their nutrition needs are met.

    Someone doing IIFYM right, if they reached the end if their day with 80 calories left but deficient in protein, would not eat ice cream. They'd reach for a lean protein source. Same situation but deficient in micronutrients, they'd reach for veg or fruit.

    IIFYM is about a balanced diet without food-fear.

  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Two parts I would interpret very differently from the way you have put it...
    From what I understand, you can pretty much eat what you want as long as you are within your calorie goal according to a IIFYM calculator. However how does this type of dieting work compared to a less focussed on calories type diet but all very "clean" foods.

    Remember that if you eat over maintenance calories whether "clean" (whatever that means) you will gain weight, if you are under maintenance then you will lose weight.

    If you actually look at IIFYM food diaries you will often see that the vast majority of foods are what you might call "good" or "clean" and it's the left over calories that become the bonus/junk/fun/tasty treats (delete as appropriate depending how you want to classify foods).
    Personally I focus on the various aspects from calories to macros to micro nutrients but there is also some room for eating/drinking purely for enjoyment most days.
    For example I know of a lot of people who have had great weight loss success not focussing really on calories but just making sure they eat really healthy.
    I don't see IIFYM as not having a focus on healthy foods but I do see it as a way of not demonising foods and having a diet that fits into a normal lifestyle rather than making lifestyle fit into a diet. In my view it's much more sustainable and enjoyable.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I'm sure you can lose weight if you meet your calories, regardless if it fits your macros or not. The problem I see is that one piece of pizza and one piece of cake might fit your macros AND calories for the day, but can you live on that? I'd rather "spend" my calories on healthier foods (as a general rule) and eat a lot throughout the day. My blood sugar and cholesterol is going to be a lot better for it, too.

    I say to each his own. For me, IIFYM is a relative term. Can you lose weight that way? Sure. Will my body be as healthy as it would be if I just occasionally indulged in those foods? Probably not.

    Is IIFYM good or bad? Neither. It's all about what your goal is. If losing weight is your only goal, then go for it. If overall health (inside and out) is your goal, then I'm not convinced that pizza and cake is the way to go.

    This is a common misconception about IIFYM. Most people do not live on pizza and cake. They have well balanced diets as I outlined above. They just don't deny themselves anything once their nutrition needs are met.

    Someone doing IIFYM right, if they reached the end if their day with 80 calories left but deficient in protein, would not eat ice cream. They'd reach for a lean protein source. Same situation but deficient in micronutrients, they'd reach for veg or fruit.

    IIFYM is about a balanced diet without food-fear.

    This. Its not about a diet of all "bad" food. Personally, I will always prelog a base of nutrient dense foods (4-5 servings veggies, lean meat, etc) which will put me at or close to 90% of my targets for my micros, and fiber goal for the day. From there, I make reasonable choices that'll keep me most satiated. However, it will include things like ice cream, poptarts, fried PB sammiches, etc.

    You're not doing anything ground breaking here. You're just being consistent....
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    If you are doing IIFYM right you are not looking at just calories. You actually have to hit your MACROS! This is not done by eating cake and pizza all day because you would NOT hit your macros. IIFYM works and if done correctly the majority of you diet is probably going to be pretty nutritious.

    "Eat whatever you want, if it fits your macros"
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    This is a common misconception about IIFYM. Most people do not live on pizza and cake. They have well balanced diets as I outlined above. They just don't deny themselves anything once their nutrition needs are met.

    I agree with your post, but it didn't sound like the OP had the same idea as you do about IIFYM and I was responding to them and the statement, "I could have a great body eating pizza/chocolate/cakes etc".

    If I have calories left over and I've had enough protein for the day, I wouldn't hesitate to have some ice cream. I see "IIFYM" as a bit of a jargon-y way to describe a healthy, balanced diet without deprivation. I think we all know that deprivation only works for so long...
    You're not doing anything ground breaking here. You're just being consistent....

  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    This is a common misconception about IIFYM. Most people do not live on pizza and cake. They have well balanced diets as I outlined above. They just don't deny themselves anything once their nutrition needs are met.

    I agree with your post, but it didn't sound like the OP had the same idea as you do about IIFYM and I was responding to them and the statement, "I could have a great body eating pizza/chocolate/cakes etc".

    If I have calories left over and I've had enough protein for the day, I wouldn't hesitate to have some ice cream. I see "IIFYM" as a bit of a jargon-y way to describe a healthy, balanced diet without deprivation. I think we all know that deprivation only works for so long...
    You're not doing anything ground breaking here. You're just being consistent....


    Flexible Dieting then ;)
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    If you are doing IIFYM right you are not looking at just calories. You actually have to hit your MACROS! This is not done by eating cake and pizza all day because you would NOT hit your macros. IIFYM works and if done correctly the majority of you diet is probably going to be pretty nutritious.

    "Eat whatever you want, if it fits your macros"

    This, protein should be 0.8 to 1 gram for every pound of lean mass, and fat 0.3 grams for every total pound of weight. Vitamins, fruit, and veggies, etc. Then you can have ice cream if you have left over calories.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    :heart: IIFYM

    If someone interprets it to mean eat cake & pizza all day errday... :noway:

    I took it as the OP just couldn't believe she could still enjoy eating some of her fave foods and still get in shape. You sure can OP!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    If you are doing IIFYM right you are not looking at just calories. You actually have to hit your MACROS! This is not done by eating cake and pizza all day because you would NOT hit your macros. IIFYM works and if done correctly the majority of you diet is probably going to be pretty nutritious.

    "Eat whatever you want, if it fits your macros"

    ^^^^ THIS - "eat what you like" is very common misconception about IIFYM. You can't eat nothing but junk all day, because it won't fit your macros. You'll be over on fat and sugar while you're still way under on protein. You have to get enough of each of the individual macronutrients - i.e. fat, protein and carbs, as well as staying within your calorie goal. Protein is generally the hardest one to get enough of. Also, as has been pointed out earlier, you do need to ensure you're getting micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) as well, plus fibre and water. The point is that it doesn't matter so much what foods you eat to meet your nutritional needs... it's getting all the nutrients in the right balance. You can eat anything with IIFYM, but it has to fit your macros, and that's where it gets a bit tricky and you end up reaching for lean protein sources and being really careful about portion control with high fat and high carb foods..... the result is you eat about 70-90% of the same foods as the "clean eaters" do, just if you plan your meals well, you get to eat all the "unclean" foods too.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I'm sure you can lose weight if you meet your calories, regardless if it fits your macros or not. The problem I see is that one piece of pizza and one piece of cake might fit your macros AND calories for the day, but can you live on that? I'd rather "spend" my calories on healthier foods (as a general rule) and eat a lot throughout the day. My blood sugar and cholesterol is going to be a lot better for it, too.

    I say to each his own. For me, IIFYM is a relative term. Can you lose weight that way? Sure. Will my body be as healthy as it would be if I just occasionally indulged in those foods? Probably not.

    Is IIFYM good or bad? Neither. It's all about what your goal is. If losing weight is your only goal, then go for it. If overall health (inside and out) is your goal, then I'm not convinced that pizza and cake is the way to go.

    The funny thing about that question (bolded)... it sounds just like IIFYM. Weird.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    In the true sense of the definition, it's an option to consume what would be considered less than desirable processed and fast food, but it's not mandatory....After ones macro and micro nutrients are met, you then have the option to consume what are called discretionary calories.
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    The funny thing about that question (bolded)... it sounds just like IIFYM. Weird.

    I have already explained that I was responding to the OP and the statement, "I could have a great body eating pizza/chocolate/cakes etc", NOT the actual meaning of IIFYM, which sounds like jargon for a healthy, balanced diet.
  • godhorse
  • daddylawbucks
    daddylawbucks Posts: 18 Member

    If you working out hard and long enough to be a competitive body builder, you can obviously eat a lot more than most folks (because of the calories your burning working out). Focus on the Calorie total for the day. Use common sense in what you eat. More fruit and veggies means you can eat more volume for the same amount of calories. If you "must" have pizza for dinner, then just be sure to log it, those calories are no better or worse for you than any others.

    Good going and congratulations on building your new body!!
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    The funny thing about that question (bolded)... it sounds just like IIFYM. Weird.

    I have already explained that I was responding to the OP and the statement, "I could have a great body eating pizza/chocolate/cakes etc", NOT the actual meaning of IIFYM, which sounds like jargon for a healthy, balanced diet.

    Too bad you didn't correct the OPs misconception concerning IIFYM and just added to it.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Hi ... Here is a great Group where IIFYM is applied in real life with real results::drinker:

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    IIFYM is ultimately going to result in eating a lot of nutrient dense foods if you're going to hit any kind of optimal macro ratio. IIFYM focuses on hitting macro goals as well as calories...so you aren't going to be able to sit around eating cake and pizza and what not...IIFYM doesn't mean just eat whatever...you have macro goals to hit.

    IIFYM is basically to say you don't have to never eat cake or pizza...you can have it so long as your other nutrient requirements have been met and those things fit within your macro goals. If you look at the diary of most people who follow this guidance you will ultimately find diets rich in veg and fruit...lean proteins and whole grains...but we might have some jelly beans for desert or something.