Same old story...not losing


I've been reading past posts on this and I know others have this issue but I'd love to hear you opinion on what i might be doing wrong or if i just need to patient.

Basic info:
I'm 37

MFP has me on 1200 calories, I use a scale and measure most of my food, I log everything just can't measure some (a rather small part of my daily intake). So i think my intake is mostly accurate :/
I do cardio and strength training atleast 3X a week sometimes more.

My issue:
I haven't lost for the past one month, my weight keeps jumping up and down b/w 74.8kg and 73.5kg. I went from 76.8 to 74.5 about 3months ago when I started doing some excercise (stationary bike at home) not much really and I wasn't logging food or keeping track of what I ate. Now that I am watching what I eat and logging, I'm not losing at all.

I feel fit and I can handle a lot more than I could 4months ago (I could do 15mins on the bike then, now I can do an hr without feeling like I would pass out) but I would really love to lose atleast 10kg. I lost a wee bit in cm/inches but it is really not significant (I only started to measure that resently in hopes that I was maybe losing inches if not Ibs)

So is there something I should change? What am I doing wrong? I'm getting a little discouraged, I mean I love feeling fit and energetic but I want to fit into my pre-last kid clothes :)
(I opened up my dairy, I'm in Europe so most of the food will probably not make sense :)



  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Hi there,

    I think this might be a logging issue. Looking at your diary, I would guess you don't have any food scales in your kitchen? It might be an idea get yourself some. Things like a 'generic banana' and 'a generic pear' from the database are not going to accurately represent what your actual calorie intake is. It only takes a couple of hundred calories here and there to create a stall.

    You're doing great, btw! :smile:
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I would suggest eating at least half of your exercise calories (as MFP intends). As you are, you're not netting your MFP goal, which is 1200 calories. You should NET as close to your goal as possible.
  • dorkamom
    dorkamom Posts: 7 Member
    Well, the reason I try not to eat back my exercise caloeries is based on the "you are most likely eating more than you think you are" that everyone keeps saying. So I try to measure what I eat and log everything and leave the extra calories that burn with exercise to cover what I maybe underestimating...not sure if this makes sense.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    It does make sense - which is why you're in maintenance! :bigsmile: Which is no bad thing, by the way AND you sound pretty fit.

    I really do think weighing all your food is the answer here. Once that's accurate you can fine tune it to lose at a rate to suit you. :smile:
  • bubaluboo
    bubaluboo Posts: 2,098 Member
    It may be worth just holding out, doing what you're doing a little longer. I went a month without losing and even increased my calorie intake a little then the lbs started falling off again at the new expected rate. Not sure whether the little increase in calories did the trick or my body was just ready to start losing again. The increase was only about 150 cals at the time but just maybe they made me more energetic or something.