Cold/flu: exercise or not?



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Cold, yes, if your exercise doesn't require close contact with others.

    Flu, no, and you won't really have a choice about it.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    rest.. eat well..

    i had a bug a few weeks ago.. took 5 days off to recover.. came back and hit 3 pr's.
  • harmonyhoran
    harmonyhoran Posts: 48 Member
    If you have energy then I say go for it. If your body feels like shutting down then obviously you need rest. I was literally sick ALL winter and had trouble breathing but once it settled down enough to breathe okay I joined the gym, MFP and havn't looked back. I suppose next time sickness hits me I will have to stay home. No one wants to catch something from a sick person snotty and coughing at the gym :-/
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I would say cold, yes if you feel up to it, flu not.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,017 Member
    I've never had the flu (neither has anyone I've ever met)
    Who are you strange people?

    People who know the difference between the flu and a cold?
    I used to say I had the flu when I got sick in the winter, then I finally got the flu, and knew that all those previous illnesses were nothing in comparison. They were just bad colds. And I've finally realized that those "spring colds" I get pretty much every year are probably mild seasonal allergies.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    With a cold, just listen to your body. I often find that a light exercise routine actually helps me feel better. It definitely helps my nose to not be stuffed up. But if I am really sick, I rest. For the flu, definitely rest.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,017 Member
    If you have a fever, are vomiting, have diarrhea, have a chest cold, or feel weak, just rest.
    If you just a head cold, and have the energy to exercise, go ahead. If you go to the gym to exercise, please wash your hands before you start and use antibacterial wipes on equipment after you're done.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    I go with the whole 'listen to your body' philosophy. I've got asthma as well so cold's usually leave me feeling very wheezy and my inhaler is my lifesaver.
    However, last week, I had a cold and somehow managed to do the cancer research 5k race for life at night - it was also very cold, wet and windy (the joys of living in Scotland). Didn't run the whole thing, did most of it power walking but was still a challenge for me.
    But yeah, listen to your body - if you've got muscle aches, skip the workout and let your body recover :smile:
  • manda79rn
    manda79rn Posts: 45 Member
    I think it depends on how sick you are... flu, I wouldn't do it because typically with the flu your body is already depleted of electrolytes and calories so it'd be more taxing to your body than anything which isn't going to help but when I have a cold I always feel better when I sweat it out but that's just me.. and some may say I'm slightly imbalanced but I do have a medical background so you can take my advice for what it :)
  • 1pettis2
    I pushed through my flu. Seems like exercising made me get over it faster.
  • barbalari
    barbalari Posts: 43 Member
    I had a heavy cold last Friday and was due to go to a spinning class. I'm also asthmatic so I was a little nervous about how I'd cope with the session. Weirdly, I didn't struggle at all and felt great afterwards. I've also shrugged off the cold very quickly and controlled my asthma much better than normal. However, having had the flu (good and proper!) last December, I can honestly say that exercise is the last thing I could have done. I could barely get out of bed for 3 weeks! I guess the bottom line is listen to your body and rest when you need to. Very sensible to be prepared though! :smile:
  • ouwho
    ouwho Posts: 29
    Great advice everyone! Overall, the general opinion is: listen to your body and use common sense when it comes to exercising. I feel more prepared to handle whatever might come my way now,