Portion Control Weighing your food success stories pls!

Yesterday I was shopping and found three really CUTE little portion control containers on sale. These little container things are called Fit & Fresh Smart Portion Chill Containers and though I haven't used them yet...WOW, it's actually shocking to SEE what a "portion size" REALLY is. I tend to eat pretty healthy these days, but WOW...based on these containers, I'm eating WAYYYYY more than I though I was, which maybe the reason the scale isn't dropping as much as I think it should be.

I've always rebelled and utterly rejected the idea of weighing my foods, because I tend to see doing that as...ummmm, too restrictive and obsessive. But after seeing these containers and thinking about the people I know who have been tremendously successful weighing their food, it's tempting (especially since I just got these containers). Yet, again, it's SCARY to me, for some reason, to seriously consider "weighing" my food.

I'd LOVE to hear any success stories on portion control and/or weighing your foods? Also, I LOVE to hear how anyone has gotten over the "it don't take ALL that" mentally in portion control and/or weighing your foods and your results.

Thanks so much in advance for your reply!!


  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    I weighed my food religiously for more than a year. It's messed up my food mentality quite a bit because I got into this mindset of "if I don't eat everything on this plate, how will I have known how much I ate?" Not good.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I think my ticker speaks for itself.

    I can't imagine not weighing my food. How do you know how much you're eating??? I try to keep a 500 calorie deficit. If I eyeballed the ground beef I just had, I could easily underestimate by 100 calories. And then the PB and J I had this morning? How do I know how much 2TBS of PB is? There goes another 50. What about cheese on my taco? I love that stuff, and could easily see myself eyeballing 2 ounces as 1...there's another 100 calories! Before you know it, my 500 calorie deficit is gone!
  • I have lost 30 lbs by weighing my food. Now I can't say I get all nutso and weigh things when I am dining out, but if it's prepared at home (which my food usually is) then it gets weighed. I can say that by weighing my food I am now a better judge of what exactly a portion is for when my food scale isn't available. For me weighing makes the most sense because I know that I used to be the type of person to eat 3 servings of something and then try to say it was only 1. In the end I was only hurting myself. I also love weighing my food because I am not one for totally cutting out ANYTHING I enjoy. I will simply weigh out what I can "afford" to eat calorie wise and I still get to enjoy all the yummy things I like without overindulging.
  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    I think my ticker speaks for itself.

    I can't imagine not weighing my food. How do you know how much you're eating??? I try to keep a 500 calorie deficit. If I eyeballed the ground beef I just had, I could easily underestimate by 100 calories. And then the PB and J I had this morning? How do I know how much 2TBS of PB is? There goes another 50. What about cheese on my taco? I love that stuff, and could easily see myself eyeballing 2 ounces as 1...there's another 100 calories! Before you know it, my 500 calorie deficit is gone!

    I totally agree with this, though. :)
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I weighed my food religiously for more than a year. It's messed up my food mentality quite a bit because I got into this mindset of "if I don't eat everything on this plate, how will I have known how much I ate?" Not good.

    If I have anything left on my plate, I put it in a leftover dish. It's then "free" calories for anytime I'm extra hungry, because it's already been counted for in my day. I have no problem grabbing an already accounted for leftover container for a midnight snack.
  • paddgirl21
    paddgirl21 Posts: 154 Member
    I've lost my weight primarily from weighing my foods. This was so I could not only count my calories correctly, but also so as time goes on, I will get to know how much I am eating without having to weigh my food. I have to retrain my brain essentially. When I wasn't weighing my food, I was eating more than I thought I was and lost little to no weight. I ended up getting a heart rate monitor as well because I figured, well if my calorie counting was WAY off, then let's see about how many calories I ACTUALLY am burning...turns out that was way off as well. So, given both tools, I've been able to lose about 10 pounds a month.

    Weighing my food isn't as bad as I originally thought. It took a bit getting used to (I would forget a lot) but now it's second nature. It takes literally seconds, so whatever.

    There are times when I don't weigh my foods and it is basically because eh, I didn't feel like it that day and I've been getting better at my portions. Soon enough!! I won't have to weigh. :-)
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I weighed my food religiously for more than a year. It's messed up my food mentality quite a bit because I got into this mindset of "if I don't eat everything on this plate, how will I have known how much I ate?" Not good.

    If I have anything left on my plate, I put it in a leftover dish. It's then "free" calories for anytime I'm extra hungry, because it's already been counted for in my day. I have no problem grabbing an already accounted for leftover container for a midnight snack.

    I really like this idea, although I rarely have leftovers.

    I have tried to go it without measuring. Historically, not my strong suit. I weigh and measure everything. I usually take what I want and weigh it as I go, then plug in the numbers while I am eating. If I go over a bit one day here and there, I am not going to kick myself. Do I get exercise cals for kicking my own butt?
  • feelin_gr_8
    feelin_gr_8 Posts: 308 Member
    I weigh my food. 22 lbs down so far. The way I look at it-portion control and weighing is a way to train yourself into learning what appropriate fueling is for your body. You don't have to do it for the rest of your life, but by the time you've lost what you want you should be able to break that chain and know how to self-manage ;)
  • JakiDee
    JakiDee Posts: 43 Member
    I was against it for years then it clicked for me. If I am weighing myself, why wouldn't I weigh what I am putting in my body? Down 140lbs and maybe 100 of that is since I starting weighing my food.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Before my pregnancy I had lost about 75lbs portion control and measuring/weighing have been the only methods that helped me lose weight and get pregnant.

    It's really not that bad either you get used to it, and there is a point when your stomach does shrink and you cant handle large portions. You feel fuller longer and it's easier to gage how much is going into your mouth. I honestly don't think anyone can successfully lose weight long term if they don't portion control. It's a way to have your cake (small piece 1inchx1inch or 2oz) and eat it too.

    If you think about it that is why WLS is so effective it's basically forced portion control.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I weigh or measure out most things.

    Some people seem to think this is over the top, obsessive or extreme in some way. Not sure why. They all think having nutrition facts on the label is great but then scoff at actually making sure you are eating the correct serving size.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,337 Member
    I'm in love with my food scale. (It's actually a postage scale). It really had helped me control my potions.
  • dizzow
    dizzow Posts: 65
    I weigh most everything, except when eating out and mixed things like soup. I had / have such a messed up idea of what a portion was; it is important for me to retrain my brain. I can easily see me continuing to measure things for the rest of my life' however; because I can easily see me doing it the rest of my life because I feel like it would be easy for me to add more and more over time. I'm still learning to conceptualize portions when eating out.
    It doesn't make you over zealous to weigh portions, it makes you aware and careful.
  • DigitalDiana
    DigitalDiana Posts: 157 Member

    "If I have anything left on my plate, I put it in a leftover dish. It's then "free" calories for anytime I'm extra hungry, because it's already been counted for in my day. I have no problem grabbing an already accounted for leftover container for a midnight snack."

    Above does not show as a quote...but it's from another poster....
    This is a fantastic idea!!!
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Thta's what MFP is about, ain't it?

    I'm doing these weighing thing since I started using MFP, more than a year ago. I then to be more mathsy and controlling, so weighting food works like a charm on me.
    I don't always have a scale at hand, but after a while you know by eye how much is that grilled chicken breast and those baked potatoes when having lunch with your coworkers at the nearby restaurant.

    Portion control has also helped me to understand what my body needs, so I almost never have something left in my plate, because I know what quantities fill me, from any food.

    Weighting can be hard at first, but in time it becomes very easy.

    Off course, it is not 100% science. It's just a aproximation of calories and a method to know when to stop.
    Any method of portion control works, as long if that fits your personality and lifestyle.

    Well... my success isn't that great, because I have a little deficit (I won't deny, I love food, I couldn't do anything less than 1600 calories), but it's steady and little by little I have lost a great amount.
    And it feels like I can do it. And I know I will do it,
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    Yup. My poor scale just died, I've used it so much. It's amazing how much you think you're consuming , and how much you really are. Once you do it a while, you can get pretty good at estimating. I still weigh and measure, just to be sure.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Pretty much all my success (both in cutting and more recently bulking with minimal fat gain) came from weighing food accurately on a food scale. I weigh to the gram or tenth of a pound, depending on how the item is entered in the database.

    In theory you could eyeball it, but that seems a little too much like just hoping you eat little enough to lose weight. 'Hope is not a strategy' as the old adage goes.
  • allendye
    allendye Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm new to this site for approx. 2 weeks now (joined in 2012 but wasn't serious as I am now)
    I'm curious on what store you bought those containers. I live in BC Canada?

    Thanks Carol:flowerforyou:
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I weighed my food religiously for more than a year. It's messed up my food mentality quite a bit because I got into this mindset of "if I don't eat everything on this plate, how will I have known how much I ate?" Not good.

    If I have anything left on my plate, I put it in a leftover dish. It's then "free" calories for anytime I'm extra hungry, because it's already been counted for in my day. I have no problem grabbing an already accounted for leftover container for a midnight snack.

    What are these 'leff tow vers' of which you speak?
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I weighed my food religiously for more than a year. It's messed up my food mentality quite a bit because I got into this mindset of "if I don't eat everything on this plate, how will I have known how much I ate?" Not good.

    If I have anything left on my plate, I put it in a leftover dish. It's then "free" calories for anytime I'm extra hungry, because it's already been counted for in my day. I have no problem grabbing an already accounted for leftover container for a midnight snack.

    What are these 'leff tow vers' of which you speak?

    Well...occasionally....under very rare circumstances....my eyes are bigger than my belly! Usually I can stuff it in, but there's been a time or two there's just not room!
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