a bit confused with my macros and calories :(

i am a little confused (ok maybe a lot cause I'm going crazy here ) with my macros since i am hearing a lot of different opinions!
i am 68kg 170cm and trying to lose wight and body fat…i am trying a low carb diet and eating about 1200-1300 calories a day …about 100g of protein - 50-55g of fat and about 140g of carbs
i am vegan and i am trying to learn how to control my protein intake…

can anyone share their opinion with me what he thinks my macros should be…?



  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    It depends on your goals, and there are a lot of differing opinions.
    Protein: Some will say 1g per pound of bodyweight, or perhaps more. I think 0.8g per pound of bodyweight. Many will say much less, especially if you aren't trying to put on muscle.
    Fat: 0.3-0.5g per pound of bodyweight seems a good range.
    Carbs: whatever calories you have left, as many as possible. If you are very active you will need a lot of carbs. If you are not as active, they will make you feel satisfied and allow you to get in lots of micronutrients if you eat the right ones, and help your body keep muscle. But too many in one go may make you feel a bit sluggish depending on your sensitivity.