INSANITY +apartment Help!

I know I've asked this before and I think the best response I got was a rug? I live in a 3rd floor apartment and REALLY want to start INSANITY tomorrow, but I am worried about the people below me with all of the jumping..I asked this before and someone said use a rug? I have carpet but it still sounds loud....does anyone have good ideas on some kind of way I can help mask the sounds while doing insanity? I have never met the people below me but I am sure they will not be happy with me jumping around everyday :)

Any advice is appreciate! Also if anyone wants to join my INSANITY journey let me know, I am super excited!


  • Malachai76
    you do a lot of jumping, so yeah it would sound like your trying to come through the ceiling, the only thing i can think of is a gymnastic crash mat that would be thick enough to soften the sound no idea where to get one or what they cost though, instead you could do focus t25 which is shaun t's new workout there is a lot less plyo involved a few half tuck jumps. I've done both workouts and would highly recommend either they are both amazing. Hope this helps :D
  • jeepyj93
    jeepyj93 Posts: 392 Member
    Will a Yoga Mat help.
  • FirecrackerJess
    FirecrackerJess Posts: 276 Member
    I would maybe go down to the people on the floor under you and just tell them, "Hey, I am going to start a workout, and I just want to apologize in advance if you hear some heavy jumping now and then." Just tell them about insanity, how long the workout is, and maybe ask if there is a good time that works for you and them, that may lessen the noise issue. I'd say just be straight and honest and hopefully they aren't jerks.
  • greatmom2
    greatmom2 Posts: 95 Member
    I know for some Jillian Michael's, a mini trampoline could be used to help with the knees, but I wonder as well if it could help with sound. Having done Insanity though, the mini trampoline would be too small because you move around a lot, but maybe you could think along these lines.
    I wonder perhaps if you had an elevated platform with the platform being on a thick mat as well if it would help with the sound to the other apartment below you? I'm just thinking with the platform and mat, it would give a lot of buffering.
    I don't know if this would work, but I just wanted to give you some new ideas! :) Might be worth looking into.
  • StepAwayFromTheCupcake
    I would maybe go down to the people on the floor under you and just tell them, "Hey, I am going to start a workout, and I just want to apologize in advance if you hear some heavy jumping now and then." Just tell them about insanity, how long the workout is, and maybe ask if there is a good time that works for you and them, that may lessen the noise issue. I'd say just be straight and honest and hopefully they aren't jerks.

    ^^ I did this. I'm also in a 3rd floor apartment and alternate through Jillian Michaels DVDs. I worked out a good time with the lady downstairs and everything has been fine.

    Good luck! :drinker:
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Try & do things at a reasonable hour. Most people shouldn't care so much about loud noises at 7:30 PM as opposed to 1:30 AM.
  • bumbambi
    bumbambi Posts: 11 Member
    I have the same problem with my apartment in the 4th floor and I wouldn't say a yoga mat is the answer. No matter how thick it is, there really is no way it can buffer all the sounds of jumping up and down and doing high impact exercises without your downstairs neighbours feeling like the ceiling will come down haha (at least from my experience, even I occasionally felt like I was going through the floor lol) I pondered over this a LOT and eventually decided that the neighbours will just have to stick it out during my 20minute jillian buttkick ;) I guess it's a different story if you workout lasts for 1-2 hours a day, like every day. But to be fair, as long as you keep to reasonable times of day, just go for it. People usually don't complain about stuff like that anyway, so just be sure to be extra nice when you next see them in the hallway haha and you can always still apologise if somebody ends up saying something to you ;)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I would maybe go down to the people on the floor under you and just tell them, "Hey, I am going to start a workout, and I just want to apologize in advance if you hear some heavy jumping now and then." Just tell them about insanity, how long the workout is, and maybe ask if there is a good time that works for you and them, that may lessen the noise issue. I'd say just be straight and honest and hopefully they aren't jerks.


    ETA: And if they *are* jerks about it, exercise at all hours of the day.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I live in an apartment as well no one has mentioned it. I just try to land softer. It is not helping much but no one seems to care
  • d3ck5
    d3ck5 Posts: 47
    gym squares would help a little
    supportive shoes also
    telling the peeps downstairs is a must
    and it (the fact youre conscious about the noise) might actually improve your technique as most of the jumping is designed for soft landings :)
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I would maybe go down to the people on the floor under you and just tell them, "Hey, I am going to start a workout, and I just want to apologize in advance if you hear some heavy jumping now and then." Just tell them about insanity, how long the workout is, and maybe ask if there is a good time that works for you and them, that may lessen the noise issue. I'd say just be straight and honest and hopefully they aren't jerks.

    I was thinking the same thing.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I went downstairs, explained to my neighbors that I was starting a new workout program and they would probably hear thumping coming from me for about an hour every day, and asked what time of day would be acceptable for them. So any time between noon and 5 PM they are fine with. Be a courteous neighbor and just ask.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    I live in an apartment as well no one has mentioned it. I just try to land softer. It is not helping much but no one seems to care

    Lol yeah I tried a video a couple weeks ago and I was trying really hard to land it doesn't work!
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    Try & do things at a reasonable hour. Most people shouldn't care so much about loud noises at 7:30 PM as opposed to 1:30 AM.

    ^ Pretty much this.

    Unless you're (A) making horrible excessive noises, (B) making noises at a disrespectful hour, or (C) all of the above, then I wouldn't worry. You live in an apartment and anyone that lives in an apartment should already know that you can and will hear your neighbours, even if they aren't yelling and screaming at the tops of their lungs. It just happens, they can deal with it.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    I would maybe go down to the people on the floor under you and just tell them, "Hey, I am going to start a workout, and I just want to apologize in advance if you hear some heavy jumping now and then." Just tell them about insanity, how long the workout is, and maybe ask if there is a good time that works for you and them, that may lessen the noise issue. I'd say just be straight and honest and hopefully they aren't jerks.

    This is a good idea....I literally have never even seen them so hopefully they are cool but it would be super awesome if they could give me a time that works, I just don't want them to be the old lady with a broom hitting the ceiling :)
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    I would maybe go down to the people on the floor under you and just tell them, "Hey, I am going to start a workout, and I just want to apologize in advance if you hear some heavy jumping now and then." Just tell them about insanity, how long the workout is, and maybe ask if there is a good time that works for you and them, that may lessen the noise issue. I'd say just be straight and honest and hopefully they aren't jerks.

    This is a good idea....I literally have never even seen them so hopefully they are cool but it would be super awesome if they could give me a time that works, I just don't want them to be the old lady with a broom hitting the ceiling :)

    If it's an old lady, she may not even be able to hear you :laugh:
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    barefoot and land soft
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    hahahahah :happy: thanks for all the advice!
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    barefoot and land soft

    Barefoot? I don't think I could do that....I need more support.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    well, ok - but you land through the foot rather than landing heavy. Unless you have a known problem with arches you should be fine.