Stressed, tired, no motivation

I'm just not feeling well lately, and its setting me back. I have been stressed about school quite often (I am a grad student and life can be crazy). The last few days i've been incredibly tired. Headaches, fatigue, no motivation to do anything. My dishes are piling up. My house is a wreck.

I have been fairly good about the diet, but I havent exercised at all in over a week. Yesterday I made myself walk a whole bunch (7 miles total) to work on my Nov move your *kitten* goal, but I never felt good about it. Today I have spent half the day in bed.

I feel no motivation to work on homework, housework, walk my dog, do yoga, or anything. And this stupid headache keeps coming back.

How do you get yourself moving again after being stuck in a feeling bad situation for a few days? Id like for tomorow to be a better day.


  • leapsonbounds
    leapsonbounds Posts: 77 Member
    Sounds like you might be depressed sweetie. I'd recommend checking in with your doc, especially now that winter is fast approaching and the time change is gonna make it dark so early.
  • d3ck5
    d3ck5 Posts: 47
    i reckon this would have the be one of the most asked questions on fitness boards, and the hardest one to answer.

    motivation for everyone is different, and so youll need to find the motivation that works for you.

    some ideas i would try would be:

    * find a workout buddy so you can motivate each other
    * have a goal that has an awesome reward (clothing, holiday, weight loss, etc)
    - tell people about your goal to be held accountable. your closer friends tell them to make you accountable and to kick your butt if you lose focus
    * keep pictures of yourself (when you were at your fittest or healthiest) nearby and refer to them often
    * join some facebook fitness pages (motivational ones) and quickly look at them before each morning.

    i think on top of those things to try it sounds like you need a life pickup also.

    so i would probably suggest seeing a doctor to find out about your headaches and they will probably also *kitten* your diet, and possibly ask you some tougher life related questions.

    i think the most important thing here is to be happy. when youre happy, you can do anything, really.
  • kw1452
    kw1452 Posts: 113 Member
    My headaches have been a lifelong problem. One doctor gave me the best diagnosis -which was chronic dehydration. I used to drink no water ever for pretty much my whole life. A few years ago I got that honest diagnosis from an OBGYN and since then I drink water all the time. My headaches became much less frequent and much less severe but they still exist.

    I have since had no diagnoses about why I still have headaches other than dehydration - when I am well hydrated (which is most of the time) I theoretically should not have them. But I still do, so obviously I have some other problem too, but I have no way to fix it so I just do what I can when I experience them - which means coffee, aspirin, and rest.

    Otherwise - I appreciate the advice. Yeah it might be symptoms of depression. I used to have problems with that. But now when I know feelings of depression are coming on they are usually gone within a few days. Maybe because I'm happier, maybe because I know how to cope with things better than when I was younger. Either way I havent been fully depressed a few years and I hope to never fall into that again.

    I don't have a workout buddy. I wish I did. My closest friend likes to do rock climbing and bike riding, both of which I dont do. I like bike riding but im not fit enough to go out with her, and I cant rock climb due to bad joints.

    I do have goals, I just have alot of trouble with motivation. I try to make the goal of strength training three times a week, then some weeks I can do that and other weeks I can only do one. I seem to "feel bad" more often than have energy and motivation and its not always stress. Sometimes its back aches, head aches, stomach problems.... Sometimes I'm just tired. And its not emotional stress - I'm generally pretty happy with my relationship, where I live, and where I am at in school.

    I dunno.... Sometimes I have the get up and go. But alot of time I dont. And I thought after three months of trying to exercise and do yoga I'd start to have more energy and motivation but I just dont. I feel like im still just starting out and that all this work has been for nothing.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Could it be SAD (seasonal affective Disorder)? Try to get some sunshine to see if that helps.
  • kw1452
    kw1452 Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks but I do nearly all of my exercise outdoors, so i really doubt lack of sunshine is the problem. I walk my dog twice a day and most of the time those walks are during daylight hours.