

  • sugar297
    sugar297 Posts: 106 Member
    Just think how bad you will feel after you do it. do you have a lollipop to suck on instead while you study?
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    you already ate. go study.
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    I think I am eating enough, around 1700-1750 cals, I'm 121 5'6'' but was 115 pounds before my last binge. I'm still slightly bloated and retaining some water though I know I gained some fat.

    I don't care if I get a warning for this one, but God damn you have no right to cry about binge eating and gaining weight when you're ****ing underweight! Some of us have REAL weight problems. I may not be nearly as big as other people, but I'm 5'6" and I'm ****ing 150lbs! Nice try drama queen attention *kitten*.

    OP - You're going to have to ignore people like this /\

    Eating disorders are frightening for those suffering with them. They take control and cause people to swing from one unhealthy activity to another. It's lonely and really hard to fight on your own.

    MaiLinna This OP is obviously in recovery and trying to beat this demon. EDs are a mental illness. She's on her own and scared. Show some compassion. It's not all about losing weight on MFP, it's about learning a healthy relationship with exercise and food that doesn't happen overnight.

    Give her a bloody break!
  • ratzmom
    ratzmom Posts: 1 Member
    Get on the internet. Go to something-fishy.org. They are one of the oldest and most established sites that are focused on helping people with eating disorders. You will find a link there to "eating disorder forums always open for people with Ed". This is real. Not to be played with. People don't realize that they can end up really regretting the turns they did or did not take in the road.
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    Sometimes something as simple as some chewing gum or a mint helps avert a binge. The mint flavour basically ruins most food so the binge food isn't worth eating anymore.
  • sugaspice999
    I did it, I gave in :( I hate myself for it

    My dad came back, and I was fine until mom came home with tons of coconut macaroons that she baked at my aunts house and she needed to wrap as a gift. She even asked for help wrapping them and I resisted but when I was about to eat my (healthy) pumpkin greek yogurt, I'm thinking hmmm, wonder how that macaroon would taste on my yogurt. So I ask to try it and of course she says yes, but ends up having to leave while I'm in the middle of pouring my yogurt :( so my yogurt ended up having:

    -fat free Fage, 1/2 cup pumpkin, coconut macaroon (which tasted amazing btw), like 10 medjool dates, some pomegranate seeds, 2 giant snicker doodle cookies, 1 chocolate chip cookie, 4 pieces sea salt dark chocolate
    -bunch of stevia
    -2 tbsp granola peanut butter
    -2 tbsp coconut
    -1/2 scoop protein powder
    -honestly forgot the rest and wasn't even enjoying eating it by the end

    When they left, I was supposed to make dinner for my brother and made some for myself on top of my already 1500 binge calories surpassed intake
    -2 servings whole wheat pasta with a bunch of goat cheese, vegetables (why'd I even bother lol)
    -nutritional yeast seasoning etc
    -greek yogurt and pesto

    -2 rolls of whole wheat bread with pesto (and I have a gluten intolerance, fml)
    -1 roll with apricot preserves and granola peanut butter
    -2 cups post greek yogurt cereal (allergic to it too) with some cashew milk and gluten free granola
    -1/2 avocado w/ gluten free jalepeno chips
    -1 cup cream coffee with some hot cocoa powder in it ( i Dont even drink my coffee with milk, so confused)
    -3 whole eggs w/ goat cheese

    They came home with dominos and 'my favorite' flavor of it
    -had the two largest slices of olive/bell pepper/feta pizza with more red pepper added
    (Literally couldn't even get up from table)
    I remember wanting to eat more cereal but didnt because went upstairs and fell asleep before I could

    Cannot remember if I had anything else but I spent like the entire night thinking about food and binging. I felt so horrible/miserable and remember feeling sick and dizzy. I had to lie down bc was in so much pain, and then fell asleep and dreamt a nightmare about not going/skipping the gym and class bc so bloated. (Responded to dad that i don't want to go to the gym in the dream. Then woke up midnight in terror of actually having sent the text and skipping.

    I really have no idea what is causing this. It's messing up my studying, my family life, my self esteem, my sleeping, and obviously my body. Probably going to gain atleast 3-4 pounds from this. I still feel a little dizzy, itchy, and bloated.

    I'm at the gym right now though and back on track, had my oatmeal and did the cardio, back and biceps

    Thank you for your support, I feel so horrible I let myself fall to my weakness. I need to be stronger!
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    You can be strong hon, you can. It will take practise and you'll need to have some key sponsors in place to help you. It's an addiction. It's visceral and physical. You have to treat it like an addiction - it is THAT serious.

    You can friend me and I'll help whenever I can. Even if we talk online for ages giving you no chance or time for the binge.

    I think I have beaten my binging demon and whilst he still visits from time to time, the binges are no where near as big or bad as they used to be and I have been able to control my weight a lot more. I am going very slowly and carefully down to a healthy weight after several stressful months of binging that saw me put on over 40lbs!
  • annemariec78
    I can relate to binge eating...I'm 2 days out from my first bikini comp - and I was so low on energy that instead of eating 2-3 medjool dates..I basically ate the whole container....omg
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Brush your teeth! It actually makes you not hungry, I promise. I didn't think it worked either, but seriously I don't even want to eat food for like 30 mins after I've brushed.

    Also, try to do a teeny bit of exercise! It makes you not hungry for a while (in my case)
  • BusyBirdMommy
    I'm so sorry! What a tough night for you (the emotional roller coaster ride).

    I'm more of an "emotional eater" than anything, but I think I can relate. One thing I started recognizing with myself was patterns. I have certain triggers for my emotional eating; and I know I can't stop the triggers (stress happens whether I like it or not!). So, when I sense a trigger approaching (like my stress levels going up, something terribly sad happening, etc.), I immediately remove myself from an "eating" situation. I pick up the kids and go for a walk; I have even so far as to request a meeting with my boss to talk over some innocuous stuff just so I wasn't able to get to the vending machine! I've just started my journey here, but I've been working on this part for several months - because it's my biggest road block! It hasn't been a perfectly smooth road (by any means), but it has helped a lot.

    For you, it seems you have certain "times" that binging is more likely to happen (home alone; studying). Maybe make yourself study with someone else or in a different place (with no food available). If your parents are going to be gone - maybe invite a friend over (one who doesn't know about the binging, because you'll be less likely to binge in front of someone you don't know). Give it some thought - I'm not sure what your situation is, so my suggestions are kind of off of the cuff. But I'm sure you can think of some alternatives and have them in place as a "plan" BEFORE these situations come up. Then you won't have to fight your willpower so much!

    Good luck!