Is This Enough Exercise for Wellness + 1?

Hello :) I have two questions:

First: I am walking 1 mile a day with Leslie Sansone and then I do a 20 minute session of Hatha Vinyasa yoga in the evening. Is this enough exercise for overall wellness and help with weight loss?

Second: Does it matter if you do 15 minutes of cardio in the morning and then 15 minutes at night to get to 30 mins/day to reach your overall goal or is it better to do it all at once? I have heard differing opinions on this but nothing really concrete.

Notes: I have severe asthma and am healing from a broken pelvic and coxyx bone so my exercise options are limited. However, I still need to lose weight and work towards wellness. I eat about 60% raw and 40% whole foods. Barely ever anything processed and I concentrate on food for medicine. Still, I need to get healthier. My goals are to improve my asthma, decrease my weight, and most of all - be healthy.

Thank you for your replies in advance!


  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Weight loss is most diet but walking and yoga will certainly help some.

    Is it enough for "wellness"? It all depends on your definition and how you intend to practice. I would suggest you spend more time thinking about concrete objectives that you want to acheive in terms of ability that the walking or yoga will help you achieve - do you want to walk 5 miles in comfort, or a specific yoga pose you want to master. "Wellness" is too vague to be addressed as an exercise goal.

    What matters most is that you will stick with it. If you only have slots of 15 minutes, do the 15 minutes.
    Ideally, a sustained effort builds more cardiovascular endurance and for yoga, you can consider the first poses as warm ups so two 15 minute sessions are really two warm ups of 5 minutes vs one session with one warm up.

    Clarify your goals will lead to better understanding why you are doing what you are doing.

    For example, I do yoga as a purely stretching/mobility/self-sense exercise. My goal is not to progress to difficult poses but to use it to provide the needed support to other core activities like running, weight lifting and "stuff". I love it, but my goals are very specific to how I use versus someone who uses it for strength or advancing in that specific domain.

    And if you don't have an idea now, just do it for a while and re-evalaute goals later.
  • BarefootServant
    BarefootServant Posts: 5 Member
    Fabulous response. Thanks so much!

    The walking and yoga together, minus the warm ups, equate to about 30 min's together - 15 minutes of walking and 15 minutes of vinyasa yoga. Both have 5 minute warm ups. I walk in the morning and do the yoga at night. Both programs I chose because of my current physical limitations. Supposedly, both are recommended for my specific challenges. I can do them both too whereas I am limited with other exercise. I am not obese but it is better than I lose more weight for the sake of the asthma since it is associated. So, there are goals: To heal both conditions and to lose weight to support that. My diet is solid so I got that part.

    I love your suggestion of doing this for a while and re-evaluating later! That's exactly what I needed to hear! So, I will continue these workouts, evaluate how both conditions behave, and be able to better navigate future goals. This is definitely a path to wellness - my overall goal is simply to be healthy and well.

    Thanks so much. You have helped a bunch to arrange this in my head. Some of us have to start with small goals - haha! Hope to see you around here again! Take care.