Good Morning America is going to talk about us



  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Shhhh! Don't let the entire world in on our secret! Think of MFP as a hidden treasure! Since MFP isn't hyping a sensational new diet plan, or using a celebrity to sucker the unwise in, we will be left alone. I like it that way. No gimicks, no outlandish guarantees, no one telling us how to live our lives. Just a group of regular people who have chosen to educate themselves on a safe way to lose weight and live a healthier life. MFP gives us the tools to make a difference, what we do with them is up to us. MFP doesn't show bias, or belittle you for what ever "diet plan" you choose to meet your goal. The members offer support to you no matter what their personal opinion is of your chosen "diet". You ask a question and they answer... not always the way you want! :ohwell:

    Leave us alone in our little home on the internet. Those that are looking will find it. Those that go for the quick fixes and hype will go somewhere else.
  • veganon50
    Thanks for the link to the online video of this.
    Like everyone else has said, it was really not insightful at all - a bit of a 'non-story', and the dietician didn't seem to have spent any time actually checking out sites and was making assumptions based on that stupid "humiliation diet" title. No evidence to support it, at all!
    But we know MFP is not about humiliation, and is all about positive support and encouragement, as well as personal accountability for what I eat and how much I exercise in a safe (anonymous) way - not like WW at all.
    So cheers for MFP! :happy:
  • dragoneyes98
    dragoneyes98 Posts: 4 Member
    Just watched the clip. And really I think they got it all wrong. I don't think WE, on MFP, are on here for the humiliation of exposure. I think its more for the support and encouragement we give each other. If they want to classify publicly dieting (preferable term "eating healthy") as humiliation dieting, then wouldn't any other group support like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig also based in humiliation since you announce when you gain and lose, talk about pro's and con's, strategies and tips for success.

    Seriously, why does losing weight have to be negative? Why is it "I'm need to lose weight because I'm fat and ugly" and not "I'm over-weight and I want to get healthier and feel healthy"?
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    Seriously, why does losing weight have to be negative? Why is it "I'm need to lose weight because I'm fat and ugly" and not "I'm over-weight and I want to get healthier and feel healthy"?
  • BatCola
    BatCola Posts: 64 Member
    hmm just started here an only felt a positive attitude?
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Humiliation Diet is not the eating plan I'm on. There was some good points in the clip, like accountability, support, group atmosphere.. just that title though HUMILIATION. WTF I've never heard that used here.. nor have I ever had that feeling here.

    I agree. Whoever tied the title 'Humiliation Dieting' to this kind of a support system must have had a bad experience? I have never heard of that term before and now thats what its called? I vote that we make up our own term for it . . . Supportive Dieting or Accountablility Dieting, or basically a lifestyle change. Way to make a positive thing so negative. The guy lost weight didnt he? Along with how many other people on here. The dietitian said that it could be negative to have groups to support each other to not eat? I have yet to see a group for people who would like to starve themselves without people on here giving them advice about to up their calories, I feel like they are twisting something good into bad. maybe they couldnt find anything else bad in the world to talk about, so they had to develop a problem. thats the media for ya.