Looking for new friends with 50 lb to 80 lb still to lose

Hi I'm Mike

I find it easier to empathise with someone who is on a similar weight loss journey. So I'm looking for MFP friends in a similar situation.

I started MFP August 11th - and have currently lost 39lb. To reach my ultimate goal of 182lb (13stone) I have 79lb to go, but I'd be happy if I got to around 210lb (15stone).

Feel free add me as a friend, ignore me, or hurl abuse (all is acceptable)


  • mezew
    mezew Posts: 6
    ive still have a way to go...long way to go myself. ive been on this journey for awhile. Ive recently lost quite a few pounds myself
    and then its maintaining it. i know how it feels and how frustrating the whole thing can get at times. if you want support just ask
    i'll do my best to be there for you.
  • txcaveman
    txcaveman Posts: 167 Member
    Friend request sent. Motivation & accountability is good for us all.
  • Friend request sent. Motivation & accountability is good for us all.
  • SnowWhiteFanatic
    SnowWhiteFanatic Posts: 129 Member
    Nice job on the weight you have list so far! That's great. My ultimate goal is to lose another 40 pounds. Please add me if you'd like. :smile:
  • Hi there! My name is April, I've been on MFP for about a year, and I've lost 31 pounds.
    But I'm still looking to lose another 35 pounds, my biggest issue is staying on track, you help me & I help you? :)
    Feel free to add me