Joined almost 2 weeks ago

sabvit Posts: 11 Member
I discovered myfitnesspal browsing apps available for my IPOD. I love that I can add my meals and exercising on-line or from my IPOD. Having access to both really helps me stay current with my diary. I love to see how exercising earns more available calories for the day. Talk about a motivator!!!

I am looking forward to getting back to a weight where I'll feel comfortable in my skin again. I even convinced my mom to join and now we are using the buddy system to lose weight through this site.

Thanks for creating this site! I know it's going to play a huge role in my success to weight loss and a healthier life.


  • avgulik
    avgulik Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome and congratulations on your decision to a healthier life! I just got started a month ago, and found the site like you did - an App on my IPOD touch. I convinced my sister to join as well (and sis in law!) and it's great to have the encouragement and to be accountable to MFP friends.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like and we can keep each other motivated! :-)